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Between the Plantation and the Port: Racialization and Social Control in Eighteenth-Century Paramaribo
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-26 , DOI: 10.1017/s002085901900004x
Pepijn Brandon

Starting from an incident in the colonial port city of Paramaribo in the autumn of 1750 in which, according to the Dutch governor Mauricius, many of the proper barriers separating rich and poor, men and women, adults and children, white citizens and black slaves were crossed, this article traces some of the complexities of everyday social control in colonial Suriname. As gateways for the trade in commodities and the movement of people, meeting points for free and unfree labourers, and administrative centres for emerging colonial settlements, early modern port cities became focal points for policing interaction across racial and social boundaries. Much of the literature on the relationship between slavery and race focuses on the plantation as “race-making institution” and the planter class as the immediate progenitors of “racial capitalism”. Studies of urban slavery, on the other hand, have emphasized the greater possibilities of social contact between blacks,mestizos, and whites of various social status in the bustling port cities of the Atlantic. This article attempts to understand practices of racialization and control in the port city of Paramaribo not by contrasting the city with its plantation environment, but by underlining the connections between the two social settings that together shaped colonial geography. The article focuses on everyday activities in Paramaribo (dancing, working, drinking, arguing) that reveal the extent of contact between slaves and non-slaves. The imposition of racialized forms of repression that set one group against the other, frequently understood primarily as a means to justify the apparent stasis of the plantation system with its rigid internal divisions, in practice often functioned precisely to fight the pernicious effects of mobility in mixed social contexts.


种植园与港口之间:18 世纪帕拉马里博的种族化与社会控制

从 1750 年秋天在殖民地港口城市帕拉马里博发生的一起事件开始,根据荷兰总督毛里修斯的说法,许多将富人和穷人、男人和女人、成人和儿童、白人公民和黑人奴隶分开的适当障碍交叉,这篇文章追溯了殖民地苏里南日常社会控制的一些复杂性。作为商品贸易和人员流动的门户、自由和不自由劳工的交汇点以及新兴殖民定居点的行政中心,早期现代港口城市成为跨种族和社会边界进行警务互动的焦点。许多关于奴隶制与种族关系的文献都将种植园作为“种族制造机构”,将种植园主作为“种族资本主义”的直接祖先。混血儿,以及大西洋繁华的港口城市中各种社会地位的白人。本文试图理解港口城市帕拉马里博的种族化和控制实践,不是通过将城市与其种植园环境进行对比,而是通过强调共同塑造殖民地理的两种社会环境之间的联系。文章重点关注帕拉马里博的日常活动(跳舞、工作、饮酒、争吵),这些活动揭示了奴隶和非奴隶之间的接触程度。施加种族化形式的镇压使一个群体与另一个群体对立,通常主要被理解为一种手段,以证明种植园系统的明显停滞及其内部僵化的分裂,在实践中往往恰恰是为了对抗混合流动的有害影响社会背景。