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On the build-up of dust aerosols and possible indirect effect during Indian summer monsoon break spells using recent satellite observations of aerosols and cloud properties
Journal of Earth System Science ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s12040-020-01526-6
V B Arya , Sajani Surendran , Kavirajan Rajendran


Association of higher (lower) rainfall with lower (higher) Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) is consistent with the understanding that increased washout (build-up) and shorter (longer) life-time of aerosols occur in wetter (drier) conditions. Given the life-time of aerosols, it is imperative to examine how aerosols impact active/break (wetter/drier than normal) spells, prominent intraseasonal variability (ISV) of Indian summer monsoon (ISM), through their composite analysis using recent satellite observations of aerosols and cloud properties, circulation and rainfall. Dust aerosols can act as CCN and participate efficiently in cloud processes during active phase. During breaks, build-up of desert dust transported by prevalent circulation, is associated with lower cloud effective radius implying aerosols’ indirect effect where they can inhibit cloud growth in the presence of reduced moisture and decrease precipitation efficiency/rainfall. Correspondingly, correlation albeit small, between intraseasonal anomalies of AOD and rainfall is negative, when AOD leads rainfall by 3–5 days implying that indirect aerosols impact is effective during breaks, though it is not the dominant responsible factor. During breaks, lower shortwave flux at top of atmosphere hints at dust-induced semi-direct effect. As breaks are permanent features of ISM, incorporation of dust-induced feedbacks in models, is essential for improved ISV simulation and ISM prediction.


  • Active (break) spell of summer monsoon is found to be associated with lower (higher) aerosol optical depth over India.

  • The build-up of desert dust transported to India by prevalent circulation during summer monsoon breaks, is associated with lower cloud effective radius which indicates the indirect effect of aerosols.

  • Predominant indirect effect induced by dust aerosols along with secondary semi-direct effect can lead to further rainfall reduction during intense and persistent breaks.

  • Proper incorporation of dust aerosol induced heating during breaks in models, is essential for simulation of intraseasonal variation inherent to Indian summer monsoon and thereby improving its prediction.






  • 人们发现,夏季季风的活跃(爆发)与印度上空的较低(较高)气溶胶光学深度有关。

  • 在夏季风季风爆发期间,通过普遍的循环运到印度的沙漠灰尘的积累与较低的云有效半径有关,这表明气溶胶的间接作用。

  • 尘埃气溶胶引起的主要间接效应以及次要的半直接效应可导致强烈和持续性休息期间降雨进一步减少。

  • 在模型破裂期间,粉尘气溶胶引起的热量的适当纳入,对于模拟印度夏季风固有的季节内变化并因此改善其预测至关重要。
