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The Pope’s Shoes: The Scope of Glosses in Guido Juvenalis’s Commentary on Terence
International Journal of the Classical Tradition ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s12138-018-0492-8
James H. Kim On Chong-Gossard

In 1492 in Paris, Guido Juvenalis (Guy Jouenneaux) became the first scholar to publish his own Latin commentary on all six plays of Terence. A year later, Juvenalis’ commentary was chosen by Badius for his landmark illustrated edition of Terence, printed by Trechsel in Lyons. Juvenalis aimed his commentary at young students who needed the minutiae explained to them, and sought to improve their Latin by revealing the origins of Latin words and their cultural connections. In glossing such things as sandals, centurions and maniples, sponges, and prostitutes, he followed the paradigm of the Donatus commentary in quoting ancient grammarians such as Varro, Festus, and Nonnius, but also drew attention to matters of ancient history, and even to equivalents in the ‘vulgar’ tongue. While avoiding explicit moralizing, Juvenalis emerged as a philologist in the truest sense -- a ‘lover of words’, for whom linguistic curiosities are the treasure to be unearthed in Terence’s comedies.



1492年,巴黎的吉多·朱韦纳利斯(Guy Jouenneaux)成为第一位发表有关特伦斯全部六部戏剧的拉丁评论的学者。一年后,贝德乌斯(Badius)选择尤文里斯(Juvenalis)的评论,这是特里谢尔(Trechsel)在里昂(Lyons)印刷的具有里程碑意义的特伦斯插图版。Juvenalis的评论针对需要向他们解释细节的年轻学生,并试图通过揭示拉丁语单词的起源和他们的文化联系来改善拉丁语。在给凉鞋,百夫长和手甲,海绵和妓女上色时,他遵循了多纳图斯评论的范式,引用了诸如Varro,Festus和Nonnius之类的古代语法学家,但也提请注意古代历史的问题,甚至相当于“庸俗”的舌头。在避免露骨道德的同时,