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Ruinenlandschaften und Landschaftsruinen in der gelehrten Literatur der frühen Neuzeit
Arcadia ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-24 , DOI: 10.1515/arcadia-2017-0006
Martin Korenjak 1

Abstract The “discovery” of the landscape and the growing interest in ruins in early modern times have been the objects of intense research over the last decades. The interaction between these two developments, by contrast, has only rarely been studied, and if so, mainly with regard to the visual arts. Within the literary tradition, only the travel literature of the 18th and 19th centuries has received any attention. How the relationship of landscape and ruins was conceived in the learned, mostly Latin literature of earlier centuries has never been examined in any detail. The present article tries to make good on this deficit. In the first section, it is shown how, from the Renaissance onwards, ruins came to be seen as an integral part of certain landscapes. This development was complemented by a perception of landscapes as ruins from the 17th century onwards, the theme of section two. By way of conclusion, the convergence of landscape appreciation and ruinophilia in early modern times is explained with recourse to the emergence of a new historical consciousness: the new interest in landscape, ruins, and their interplay was kindled by a growing awareness of the fact that these environmental features carried precious information about, and could even be seen as an embodiment of, the history of mankind and the earth.


Ruinenlandschaften und Landschaftsruinen in der gelehrten Literatur der frühen Neuzeit

摘要 近代早期对景观的“发现”和对废墟日益增长的兴趣一直是过去几十年中深入研究的对象。相比之下,这两种发展之间的相互作用很少被研究,如果是的话,主要是在视觉艺术方面。在文学传统中,只有18、19世纪的旅行文学受到关注。在博学的、主要是早期几个世纪的拉丁文学中,景观和废墟的关系是如何被构思的,从来没有被详细研究过。本文试图弥补这一不足。第一部分展示了从文艺复兴时期开始,废墟如何被视为某些景观的组成部分。这一发展得到了从 17 世纪起将景观视为废墟的看法,这是第二部分的主题。作为结论,近代早期景观欣赏和废墟癖的融合是通过一种新的历史意识的出现来解释的:人们对景观、废墟及其相互作用的新兴趣是由于人们越来越意识到这些环境特征承载着关于人类和地球历史的宝贵信息,甚至可以被视为人类和地球历史的体现。