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La muerte de un grajo es invisible: historia y autobiografía en «Incidente en los Jerónimos», de Claudio Rodríguez
Neophilologus ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s11061-020-09647-5
Sergio Navarro Ramírez

The article explores the hermeneutical capacity of reading the poetry of Claudio Rodríguez from a critical awareness of the historical density of the scenarios and geographies of his texts. Through a tropological analysis of a highly autobiographical poem, «Incidente en los Jerónimos», this essay proposes an understanding of the text in which irony destabilizes prosopopeia and narration. Thence, the textual continuity of the tropes that sustain the autobiography is broken. The same rupture affects francoist historiographical rhetoric portrayed in the poem, understood as an autobiography of a regime that attempts to identify with the ‘kingdom of unity’ of the Catholic Monarchs. This kingdom is symbolized by the church they constructed, Los Jerónimos, scenario of the poem where the rook suffers solitude, blindness and death. The poem renders in this way the political and social vicissitudes Rodríguez suffered in post-war Spain.


La muerte de un grajo es invisible: historia y autobiografía en «Incidente en los Jerónimos», de Claudio Rodríguez

这篇文章从对克劳迪奥·罗德里格斯 (Claudio Rodríguez) 诗歌的历史密度和文本地理的批判性认识中探讨了解读他的诗歌的能力。通过对一首高度自传体诗《热罗尼姆斯事件》的转义分析,这篇文章提出了一种对文本的理解,其中讽刺破坏了prosopopeia 和叙述的稳定性。因此,支撑自传的比喻的文本连续性被打破了。同样的破裂影响了诗中描绘的佛朗哥主义史学修辞,被理解为试图认同天主教君主的“统一王国”的政权的自传。这个王国的象征是他们建造的教堂,Los Jerónimos,这首诗中车子遭受孤独、失明和死亡的场景。