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Musik und Moral: Intertextuelle Bezüge zwischen Lact. inst. 6,21 und Sen. epist. 123,9 f.
Philologus ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-06 , DOI: 10.1515/phil-2018-0043
Kathrin Speyer 1

Abstract The goal of this article is to use structural, lexical and content analysis to make the case that the Church Father Lactantius, when composing Divinae institutiones 6,21, engaged with Sen. epist. 123,9 f. and pointedly refers to it. In the process, this whole chapter of Lactantius will be examined to see what the relation is between the decisive influence of the Seneca passage and that of other pre-texts that have already been identified as such in existing publications, especially the works of other Church Fathers. The content under discussion concerns the risks of purely instrumental music compared to those of artistically designed speech for the spirit of the listener, closely linked to the question of whether Christian writings, too, may – or even should – be aesthetically appealing. The treatment of this question leads ultimately to a general discussion of the relation of pleasure to virtue in the sense of a life pleasing to God.


音乐与道德:Lact 之间的互文关系。机构 6.21 和 Sen.epist。123.9 英尺

摘要 本文的目的是使用结构、词汇和内容分析来说明教会神父 Lactantius 在撰写 Divinae Institutiones 6,21 时与 Sen.epist 的联系。123.9 f. 并有针对性地提到它。在此过程中,将检查拉克坦修斯的这一整章,以了解塞内卡段落的决定性影响与现有出版物,尤其是其他教会的著作中已经确定的其他借口之间的关系。父亲们。讨论的内容涉及纯器乐与为听众的精神而设计的艺术演讲相比的风险,与基督教著作是否也可能——甚至应该——具有美学吸引力的问题密切相关。