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After a century in the Mediterranean, the warm-water shipworm Teredo bartschi invades the Lagoon of Venice (Italy), overwintering a few degrees above zero
Biological Invasions ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10530-021-02461-3
Davide Tagliapietra , Irene Guarneri , Erica Keppel , Marco Sigovini

During almost a century of permanence in the Mediterranean, the warm water species Teredo bartschi has adapted to progressively colder climates up to overwintering at water temperatures only a few degrees above zero. A fine-grained analysis of discoveries, synonyms, museum collections and grey literature establishes that this species entered the Mediterranean since at least 1935. Coming from tropical waters through the Suez Canal, the species has undergone to a long period of acclimatization in the Levantine Basin of the Mediterranean and then pushed north at the beginning of this century until it has invaded the Lagoon of Venice. The invasion routes are reconstructed and presented. The lagoon of Venice is a microtidal bar-built estuary located in the northernmost part of the Mediterranean and represents the highest latitude reached by the species on a global scale. Here for over ten years, T. bartschi has now become invasive forming stable and abundant populations. This paper presents some biometrics of hard parts such as pallets and shells as well as the description of siphons, useful for the identification and characterization of the species. The shape of the pallets of the Venetian population differs from the Aqaba’s (Giordania) and Mersin’s (Turkey) populations. Phenotypic variation are probably due to environmental effects on morphology.


在地中海经历了一个世纪之后,温水轮船虫Teredo bartschi入侵了威尼斯(意大利)的泻湖,越过零度几度

在地中海地区将近一个世纪的历史中,温水物种Teredo bartschi已适应逐渐寒冷的气候,直到水温仅比零高几度时才越冬。对发现,同义词,博物馆收藏和灰色文献的细粒度分析表明,该物种至少从1935年开始进入地中海。该物种来自苏伊士运河的热带水域,在黎凡特盆地经历了长期的驯化。地中海,然后在本世纪初向北推,直到它入侵了威尼斯泻湖。入侵路径被重建并呈现。威尼斯的泻湖是一条微潮的条状河口,位于地中海的最北端,是该物种在全球范围内达到的最高纬度。在这里十多年了,巴氏杆菌现在已经成为侵入性,形成稳定而丰富的种群。本文介绍了一些坚硬零件的生物特征,例如货盘和贝壳,以及虹吸管的描述,可用于识别和表征该物种。威尼斯人的货盘形状与亚喀巴(Giordania)和梅尔辛(土耳其)的人口不同。表型变异可能是由于环境对形态的影响。
