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Parents’ perceptions of driver education: A theoretically guided qualitative investigation
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2021.01.009
David Rodwell , Marina Alexander , Lyndel Bates , Grégoire S. Larue , Barry Watson

In many jurisdictions with Graduated Driver Licensing systems, such as those in North America, Australia, and New Zealand, parents play an important role in teaching their child how to drive and facilitating their access to formal driver education. This study explored parents’ views on these processes in a theoretically grounded manner using the Goals for Driver Education (GDE) Framework. The GDE framework groups influences on young driver behaviour into four interconnected hierarchical levels: vehicle manoeuvring (Level 1), mastery of traffic situations (Level 2), goals and contexts for driving (Level 3) and goals for life and skills for living (Level 4). Fourteen parents of novice drivers participated in five focus groups held in urban and regional locations in South East Queensland, Australia. A six-step thematic analysis was used consisting of (1) familiarisation with the data, (2) generation of initial codes, (3) searching for themes, (4) reviewing themes, (5) defining and naming themes and (6) producing the report. Parents indicated that they were more likely to outsource the teaching of skills at Levels 1 and 2 of the GDE to professional driving instructors as they were concerned that they would pass bad habits onto their child or they were unaware of the road rules that their child was required to follow. Parents believed that they were able to more effectively teach skills located on Levels 3 and 4 of the GDE framework because they had a greater knowledge of their child when compared with professional educators. The study findings can be used to develop an intervention that would support parents to more effectively supervise learner drivers.



在许多具有分级驾驶执照系统的辖区中,例如北美,澳大利亚和新西兰,父母在教孩子如何驾驶和便利其接受正规驾驶教育方面起着重要作用。这项研究使用“驾驶员教育目标”(GDE)框架,从理论上探讨了父母对这些过程的看法。GDE框架组将对年轻驾驶员行为的影响分为四个相互关联的层次结构级别:车辆操纵(级别1),掌握交通情况(级别2),驾驶目标和环境(级别3)以及生活目标和生活技能(级别) 4)。14名新手驾驶员的父母参加了在澳大利亚昆士兰州东南部城市和地区举行的五个焦点小组讨论。使用了六步主题分析,包括(1)熟悉数据,(2)生成初始代码,(3)搜索主题,(4)审阅主题,(5)定义和命名主题以及(6)制作报告。家长表示,他们更有可能将GDE 1级和2级的技能教学外包给专业的驾驶教练,因为他们担心这样会给孩子带来不良习惯,或者他们不知道自己的孩子的路途规则。必须遵循。父母认为,他们能够更有效地教授GDE框架第3级和第4级的技能,因为与专业教育者相比,他们对孩子的了解更多。
