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Anti-trafficking Efforts and Colonial Violence in Canada
Anti-Trafficking Review ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-02 , DOI: 10.14197/atr.2012191214
Katrin Roots

In Responding to Human Trafficking: Dispossession, Colonial Violence, and Resistance among Indigenous and Racialized Women, Julie Kaye offers a critical examination of how Canadian state and non-state actors understand human trafficking and implement anti-trafficking measures. Kaye examines Canada’s anti-trafficking policies and the efforts of non-government organisations (NGOs) through one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions. She demonstrates the way in which this politically charged issue has worked to conceal Canada’s violent colonial history and naturalise the inequalities and structural and material conditions in which trafficking and various forms of violence occur. Kaye argues that trafficking discourses position the colonial state as the saviour and therefore work to reinforce its power.



在《应对人口贩运:侵占,殖民地暴力和原住民和种族化妇女的抵抗》中,朱莉·凯伊(Julie Kaye)对加拿大各州和非州行为者如何理解人口贩运和实施反人口贩运措施进行了批判性研究。Kaye通过一对一的访谈和焦点小组讨论,研究了加拿大的反人口贩运政策以及非政府组织的努力。她展示了这个具有政治色彩的问题如何掩盖加拿大的暴力殖民历史,并使发生贩运和各种形式暴力的不平等以及结构和物质条件自然化。凯伊(Kaye)认为,贩运话语将殖民国家定位为救世主,因此致力于增强其权力。