Anti-trafficking Efforts and Colonial Violence in Canada


  • Katrin Roots



In Responding to Human Trafficking: Dispossession, Colonial Violence, and Resistance among Indigenous and Racialized Women, Julie Kaye offers a critical examination of how Canadian state and non-state actors understand human trafficking and implement anti-trafficking measures. Kaye examines Canada’s anti-trafficking policies and the efforts of non-government organisations (NGOs) through one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions. She demonstrates the way in which this politically charged issue has worked to conceal Canada’s violent colonial history and naturalise the inequalities and structural and material conditions in which trafficking and various forms of violence occur. Kaye argues that trafficking discourses position the colonial state as the saviour and therefore work to reinforce its power.


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Author Biography

Katrin Roots

Katrin Roots is a Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Carleton University, Ottawa. Her post-doctoral project examines the criminal justice and immigration consequences of human trafficking charges and convictions in Canada. Katrin recently received her PhD in Socio-Legal Studies from York University, Toronto, defending her doctoral dissertation entitled The Human Trafficking Matrix: Law, Policy and Anti-Trafficking Practices in the Canadian Criminal Justice System. Her work on human trafficking has been published in the Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture and Social Justice, and Anti-Trafficking Review. Email:




How to Cite

Roots, K. (2019). Anti-trafficking Efforts and Colonial Violence in Canada. Anti-Trafficking Review, (12), 201–204.