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Editing the firstJournal of World History: global history from inside the kitchen
Journal of Global History ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s1740022819000019
Gabriela Goldin Marcovich , Rahul Markovits

This article offers the first study of theCahiers d’Histoire Mondiale, theJournal of World Historypublished under the auspices of UNESCO from 1953 to 1972 as a by-product of the ‘History of mankind’ project. Drawing on material in the UNESCO archives, it delves into what Lucien Febvre, the first editor of theCahiers, called his ‘kitchen’, in order to understand world history as a practice. Data on author origin and article subject matter point to the journal’s mitigated success in overcoming Eurocentrism. The article ultimately contends that theCahierswas at once a laboratory that experimented with new forms of relational history, and a forum where the very nature of world history was discussed by scholars from around the world (mainly from the West, but also from the East and the South). It suggests that today’s epistemological discussion on global history might benefit from the reflection offered by this now largely forgotten experiment.



本文提供了第一个研究世界历史手册, 这世界历史杂志作为“人类历史”项目的副产品,于 1953 年至 1972 年在联合国教科文组织的赞助下出版。借鉴联合国教科文组织档案中的资料,它深入研究了《联合国教科文组织》的第一任编辑 Lucien Febvre手册,称他为“厨房”,以便将世界历史理解为一种实践。关于作者来源和文章主题的数据表明该期刊在克服欧洲中心主义方面的成功程度有所降低。文章最终认为,手册它既是一个试验新形式的关系史的实验室,也是一个论坛,世界各地的学者(主要来自西方,也来自东方和南方)讨论世界历史的本质。它表明,今天关于全球历史的认识论讨论可能会受益于这个现在基本上被遗忘的实验所提供的反思。