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Apartheid South Africa's segregated legal field: black lawyers and the Bantustans
Africa ( IF 1.235 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0001972019001050
Timothy Gibbs

Abstract The history of South Africa's urban-based ‘struggle lawyers’ – a trajectory epitomized by Nelson Mandela – is much discussed by historians and biographers, reflecting a broader vein of historiography that celebrates anti-colonial legal activism. However, it was South Africa's ‘Native Reserves’ and Bantustans that produced the majority of African lawyers for much of the twentieth century. Indeed, two-thirds of the African justices who have sat on the post-apartheid Constitutional Court either practised or trained in the Bantustans during the apartheid era. The purpose of this article is thus to reappraise South Africa's ‘legal field’ – the complex relationship between professional formation, elite reproduction and the exercise of political power – by tracing the ambiguous role played by the Native Reserves/Bantustans in shaping the African legal profession across the twentieth century. How did African lawyers, persistently marginalized by century-long patterns of exclusion, nevertheless construct an elite profession within the confines of segregation and apartheid? How might we link the histories of the Bantustans with the better-known ‘struggle historiography’ that emphasizes the role of political and legal activism in the cities? And what are the implications of South Africa's segregated history for debates about the ‘decolonization’ of the legal profession in the post-apartheid era?



摘要 南非以城市为基础的“斗争律师”的历史——由纳尔逊·曼德拉 (Nelson Mandela) 所代表的轨迹——受到了历史学家和传记作家的大量讨论,反映了更广泛的历史学脉络,以庆祝反殖民法律行动主义。然而,在 20 世纪的大部分时间里,产生了大多数非洲律师的是南非的“自然保护区”和班图斯坦。事实上,在种族隔离后的宪法法院任职的非洲法官中有三分之二在种族隔离时代曾在班图斯坦地区执业或接受过培训。因此,本文的目的是重新评估南非的“法律领域”——专业形成、精英再生产和政治权力的行使——通过追溯土著保护区/班图斯坦人在整个 20 世纪塑造非洲法律职业中所扮演的模棱两可的角色。被长达一个世纪的排斥模式持续边缘化的非洲律师是如何在种族隔离和种族隔离的范围内建立起精英职业的?我们如何将班图斯坦人的历史与更广为人知的强调政治和法律行动主义在城市中的作用的“斗争史学”联系起来?南非种族隔离的历史对后种族隔离时代法律职业“非殖民化”的辩论有何影响?然而,在种族隔离和种族隔离的范围内建立一个精英职业?我们如何将班图斯坦的历史与更广为人知的强调政治和法律行动主义在城市中的作用的“斗争史学”联系起来?南非种族隔离的历史对后种族隔离时代法律职业“非殖民化”的辩论有何影响?然而,在种族隔离和种族隔离的范围内建立一个精英职业?我们如何将班图斯坦人的历史与更广为人知的强调政治和法律行动主义在城市中的作用的“斗争史学”联系起来?南非种族隔离的历史对后种族隔离时代法律职业“非殖民化”的辩论有何影响?