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Late Mesozoic Eastern Mongolia Volcanic Area: Structure, Magmatic Associations, and Sources of Melts
Petrology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1134/s0869591120060053
V. V. Yarmolyuk , A. M. Kozlovsky , V. M. Savatenkov , E. A. Kudryashova , M. V. Kuznetsov

The Eastern Mongolia Volcanic Area (EMVA) is the largest Late Mesozoic intracontinental volcanic area of East Asia. Its magmatic activity lasted from ~ 170 Ma to the beginning of Cenozoic, but the peak of activity occurred between 135 and 105 Ma. It was accompanied by rifting and formation of NE-trending grabens and troughs filled with thick volcanic sequence. The largest volcanic eruptions occurred in the first half of the Early Cretaceous. They were mainly represented by mafic lavas and were terminated by acid volcanism. The second half of the Early Cretaceous was marked by exclusively mafic volcanism, which was replaced by alkaline basaltic rocks since the end of the Early Cretaceous and in the Late Cretaceous. The mafic rocks of the EMVA are trachybasalt and basaltic trachyandesite, with subordinate alkaline basaltic rocks. The geochemical characteristics of these rocks indicate that they were derived from two magma types related to different mantle sources: (1) suprasubduction basalts (IAB) and (2) within-plate ocean-island basalts (OIB). The predominance of rocks with transitional characteristics testifies the interaction of magmas or their sources during their formation. The widest spread OIB-type rocks have (Th/Nb)PM ≤ 1. The IAB-type mafic rocks are of limited distribution and were formed mainly at the early stages of the EMVA evolution. The felsic igneous rocks of the EMVA were mainly derived by crustal anatexis, as well as by the interaction of anatectic melts with basaltic derivatives. A model is proposed, in which the EMVA was formed in a composite geodynamic setting, which was determined by the mantle plume impact on the active continental margin. The magmatic evolution is thought to be related to the interaction of plume-derived magmas with a subduction-modified mantle wedge.



蒙古东部火山区(EMVA)是东亚最大的中生代陆内火山区。其岩浆活动一直持续到〜170 Ma至新生代开始,但活动的高峰出现在135〜105 Ma之间。伴随着裂谷并形成充满浓火山序列的NE趋势grab和低谷。最大的火山喷发发生在白垩纪早期。它们主要以镁铁质熔岩为代表,并被酸性火山作用终止。白垩纪晚期的后半期仅以镁铁质火山岩为标志,自白垩纪早期和白垩纪晚期以来,碱性碱性岩石已将其取代。EMVA的镁铁质岩石为钙铁玄武岩和玄武质菱锰矿,下属碱性玄武岩。这些岩石的地球化学特征表明它们来自与不同地幔源有关的两种岩浆类型:(1)超俯冲玄武岩(IAB)和(2)板内大洋岛玄武岩(OIB)。具有过渡特征的岩石的优势证明了岩浆或其源在形成过程中的相互作用。分布最广的OIB型岩石具有(Th / Nb)PM ≤1 IAB型基性岩是有限的分布和主要形成于EMVA进化的早期阶段。EMVA的长英质火成岩主要是由地壳的无足动物,以及无熔体与玄武岩衍生物的相互作用而得。提出了一个模型,在该模型中,EMVA是在地缘羽流对活动大陆边缘的影响所决定的复合地球动力学环境中形成的。岩浆演化被认为与羽状岩浆与俯冲修饰的地幔楔的相互作用有关。
