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Hybrid language practices on Turkey’s national Kurdish television station: Iconic perspectives on form
Applied Linguistics Review ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-25 , DOI: 10.1515/applirev-2017-0051
Anne Schluter 1

Abstract The language policy of Turkey’s state-run Kurdish television station (TRT Kurdî) allows for Kurdish-Turkish hybridity, which reflects common practice among Turkish Kurds (Schluter, Anne. 2014. Competing or compatible language identities in Istanbul’s Kurmanji workplaces? In Kristina Kamp, Ayhan Kaya, Fuat Keyman & Özge Onursal-Beşgül (eds.), Contemporary Turkey at a Glance. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Local and Trans-local Dynamics, 125–137. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer.) and promotes ownership among minority language speakers (Hinnenkamp, Volker. 2003. Mixed language varieties of migrant adolescents and the discourse of hybridity. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 24(1–2). 12–41.). Nevertheless, the mixing of Turkish and apparent disregard for Kurdish language rules has led some of the target audience to reject the station (Öpengin, Ergin. 2012. Sociolinguistic situation of Kurdish in Turkey: Sociopolitical factors and language use patterns. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 217. 151–180.). Such attention to form, according to (Lemon, Alaina. 2002. Form and function in Soviet stage Romani: Modeling metapragmatics through performance institutions. Language in Society 31. 29–64.) is usually reserved for minority language activists and dominant language speakers whereas marginalized minority language speakers frequently focus on function. Through semi-structured interviews with twenty politically engaged Kurdish migrants of Istanbul, the current study investigated metalinguistic criticisms about the station to deconstruct perceptions of the suitability of a hybrid Kurdish broadcasting language in relation to findings from (Lemon, Alaina. 2002. Form and function in Soviet stage Romani: Modeling metapragmatics through performance institutions. Language in Society 31. 29–64.) and (Hinnenkamp, Volker. 2003. Mixed language varieties of migrant adolescents and the discourse of hybridity. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 24(1–2). 12–41.). In contrast to (Hinnenkamp, Volker. 2003. Mixed language varieties of migrant adolescents and the discourse of hybridity. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 24(1–2). 12–41.), participants viewed linguistic hybridity on TRT Kurdî as iconic (Irvine, Judith & Susan Gal. 2000. Language ideology and linguistic differentiation. In Paul V. Kroskrity (ed.), Regimes of language: ideologies, politics, and identities, 35–84. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press.) of the Turkish state’s agenda to assimilate its Kurdish population. Furthermore, the transfer of this agenda onto a sub-group within the same in-group, TRT Kurdî’s producers, provided evidence of fractal recursivity (Irvine, Judith & Susan Gal. 2000. Language ideology and linguistic differentiation. In Paul V. Kroskrity (ed.), Regimes of language: ideologies, politics, and identities, 35–84. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press.). Results call for a broadening of Lemon (2002) to allow for the inclusion of a larger portion of minority language-speaking populations whose language, similar to the Istanbul-resident Kurdish community profiled in the current study, has been deeply politicized.



摘要土耳其国营库尔德电视台(TRTKurdî)的语言政策允许库尔德-土耳其语混合,这反映了土耳其库尔德人的普遍做法(Schluter,Anne。2014。在伊斯坦布尔Kurmanji工作场所中竞争或兼容的语言身份?在Kristina Kamp中) ,Ayhan Kaya,Fuat Keyman和ÖzgeOnursal-Beşgül(主编),《当代土耳其概览》,《关于地方和跨地方动力的跨学科视角》,125-137。威斯巴登,德国:施普林格。) (Hinnenkamp,Volker,2003年。移民青少年的混合语言变体和杂交论。多语言和多元文化发展杂志24(1-2)。12-41。)。不过,土耳其人和明显不顾库尔德语言规则的混合导致了一些目标受众拒绝接受该电台(Öpengin,Ergin。2012年。土耳其库尔德人的社会语言状况:社会政治因素和语言使用方式。国际语言社会学杂志217. 151–180。)。根据对这种形式的关注(Lemon,Alaina。2002。《苏联时期罗曼语的形式和功能:通过表演机构对元语用学进行建模。社会中的语言》 31. 29-64。)通常保留给少数族裔语言活动家和讲主语的人,而边缘化的少数民族语言使用者经常关注功能。通过对伊斯坦布尔的20名政治参与的库尔德移民的半结构化采访,当前的研究调查了关于语言学家的批评,该批评与有关(Lemon,Alaina。2002.苏联时期罗曼语的形式和功能:通过表演机构对元语用学进行建模)的发现相矛盾,从而解构了对库尔德混合广播语言适用性的看法。 31. 29–64。)和(Hinnenkamp,Volker。2003.流动青少年的混合语言变体和混合性话语。《多语言和多元文化发展杂志》 24(1-2)。12-41。)。与之相反的是(Hinnenkamp,Volker,2003年。流动青少年的混合语言变体和混合性话语。《多语言和多元文化发展杂志》 24(1-2)。12-41。),参与者认为TRT库尔德语的语言混合性是标志性的(Irvine,Judith和Susan Gal.2000年。语言意识形态和语言差异。在保罗五世(Paul V. Kroskrity)编辑的《语言制度:意识形态,政治和身份》,35-84页。新墨西哥州圣达菲:美国研究出版社。)关于吸收土耳其库尔德人的议程。此外,将此议程转移到同一小组(TRT库尔德人的制片人)中的一个小组中,提供了分形递归性的证据(Irvine,Judith和Susan Gal。2000。语言意识形态和语言分化。在Paul V. Kroskrity( ed。),语言制度:意识形态,政治和身份,35-84。新墨西哥州圣达菲:美国研究出版社学院。结果要求扩大Lemon(2002)的范围,以允许将更多的讲少数民族语言的人口包括在内,