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Non-LTE Effects in Rubidium Lines in Cool Stars
Astronomy Letters ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-22 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063773720080022
S. A. Korotin


The formation of the rubidium resonance lines is considered by taking into account the effects of departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). A rubidium model atom has been constructed using 29 Rb I levels and the Rb II ground level. Non-LTE calculations have been performed for a grid of model atmospheres with \(T_{\textrm{eff}}\) from 3500 to 6500 K, \(\log g\) from 1.0 to 5.0, [Fe/H] from \({-}1.0\) to \({+}0.5\), \(V_{t}=1.0\) km s\({}^{-1}\), and a relative rubidium abundance \(\textrm{[Rb/Fe]}=0.0\). It is shown that disregarding the non-LTE effects can lead to significant errors in the abundance of this element. The non-LTE corrections for dwarf stars with effective temperatures below 4000 K depend critically on the inclusion of collisional interactions with hydrogen atoms. The differences in rubidium abundance when using quantum-mechanical calculations and Drawin’s theoretical approximation to take into account the collision rates of atoms with hydrogen atoms can reach 0.17 dex. The rubidium abundance has been determined from its lines in the solar spectrum, \(\textrm{(Rb/H)}=2.35\pm 0.05\), which virtually coincides with the rubidium abundance deduced from the analysis of meteorites, \(\textrm{(Rb/H)}=2.36\pm 0.03\).




通过考虑偏离局部热力学平衡(LTE)的影响来考虑the共振线的形成。29模型原子是使用29 Rb I水平和Rb II地面水平构建的。已针对模型大气网格执行了非LTE计算,其中\(T _ {\ textrm {eff}} \)从3500到6500 K,\(\ log g \)从1.0到5.0,[Fe / H]从\({-} 1.0 \)\({+} 0.5 \)\(V_ {t} = 1.0 \) km s \({} ^ {-1} \)和相对rub丰度\ {\ textrm {[Rb / Fe]} = 0.0 \)。结果表明,忽视非LTE效应会导致该元素的丰度出现重大错误。有效温度低于4000 K的矮星的非LTE校正主要取决于与氢原子的碰撞相互作用。使用量子力学计算和考虑到原子与氢原子的碰撞速率的Drawin的理论逼近,rub丰度的差异可以达到0.17 dex。from的丰度是根据太阳光谱中的线确定的(\ textrm {{Rb / H)} = 2.35 \ pm 0.05 \),这实际上与从陨石分析得出的a丰度相符。 textrm {(Rb / H)} = 2.36 \ pm 0.03 \)
