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Control Homotopy of Trajectories
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10883-020-09523-0
Eyüp Kizil

The main purpose of this paper is to establish the machinery for doing homotopy of (regular) trajectories of control systems. In a mildly different setting than our earlier work in Colonius et al. (J Differ Equ. 2005; 216:324–53), we require this time two trajectories of a (conic) control system to be homotopic by means of their control parameters and simply call them control homotopic. More precisely, let p be a fixed inial point of the state space manifold and let ep denote the end-point mapping that associates to a given control the terminal point of the corresponding trajectory. Then, we say two trajectories α and β are control homotopic if their corresponding controls u and v belong to the same path component of the fiber (ep)− 1(m) for m = ep(u) = ep(v). Due to this point of view, we constrain in the present work our attention to the study of the set \(\mathcal {U}\) of addmissible control as an open subset of a certain Banach space. Control homotopy may hence be viewed as an equivalence relation on \(\mathcal {U}\) for which the equivalence classes are the path components of the sets (ep)− 1(m), where m belongs to the (regular) accessible set from p. This interpretation also motivates to deal with notions such as control homotopically trivial andcontrol homotopy chain.



本文的主要目的是建立一种用于对控制系统的(规则)轨迹进行同构的机制。与我们先前在Colonius等人的工作稍有不同。(J Differ Equ。2005; 216:324–53),我们这次需要(圆锥形)控制系统的两条轨迹通过其控制参数来实现同位,并简单地称为控制同位。更精确地,令p为状态空间歧管的固定初始点,并令e p表示与给定控件关联的终点轨迹,该轨迹对应于相应轨迹。然后,如果两个轨迹αβ对应的控制um = e pu)= e pv)时,和v属于光纤(e p− 1m)的相同路径分量。由于这种观点,我们在当前工作中将注意力集中在将可允许控制集\(\ mathcal {U} \)作为某个Banach空间的开放子集的研究上。因此,控制同伦可以视为\(\ mathcal {U} \)上的等价关系,其等价类是集合(e p− 1m),其中m属于p中的(常规)可访问集。这种解释也促使人们处理诸如控制同位琐碎的控制同链的概念。
