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New Geographical Record of the Rainbow Runner, Elagatis bipinnulata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) (Perciformes: Carangidae) from the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s41208-020-00264-2
Tonmoy Saha , Sujan Kumar Datta , Ayesha Akhter Zhilik , Nishat Zahan Chowdhury , Mohammad Abdul Baki , Md. Sagir Ahmed

This paper describes the first record of the rainbow runner Elagatis bipinnulata (Perciformes: Carangidae) from Cox’s Bazar, the North eastern part of Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Two specimens of E. bipinnulata ware collected on 23 June 2018 from the Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation Fish Landing Center of Cox’s Bazar. Morphometric and molecular approaches were applied for identification. Dorsal and anal fins with terminal two rayed finlet, absence of scute, upper jaw ending distinctly before vertical at front margin of eye are the key characteristics to this species. Six spines in first dorsal fin and (24 + 2) fin rays in second dorsal fin; (17 + 2) anal fin rays with one spine present. The morphometric, meristic and molecular analyses thus confirmed the presence of E. bipinnulata in Bangladesh. This report updates the geographical distribution for this species confirming its presence in the coastal region of Bangladesh, and extends the number of marine fish known from the area.


孟加拉国孟加拉湾的Elagatis bipinnulata(Quoy&Gaimard,1825年)(Perciformes:Carangidae)的彩虹赛跑者的新地理记录

本文描述了来自孟加拉国孟加拉湾东北部Cox's Bazar的彩虹赛跑者Elagatis bipinnulata(Perciformes:Carangidae)的第一记录。2018年6月23日,从孟加拉国渔业发展公司Cox's Bazar鱼落地中心收集了两份E.bipinnulata器皿标本。形态计量学和分子学方法被用于鉴定。该鳍的主要特征是背鳍和臀鳍,末端有两个射线鳍,没有扇形,上颚在眼前边缘垂直之前明显结束。第一背鳍有六个刺,第二背鳍有(24 + 2)鳍射线;(17 + 2)有一条脊柱的肛门鳍射线。因此,形态分析,单体分析和分子分析证实了孟加拉国的E. bipinnulata。该报告更新了该物种的地理分布,证实了其在孟加拉国沿海地区的存在,并扩大了该地区已知的海鱼数量。
