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Nitrous Oxide Emission from Fertilized Soils: An Analytical Review
Eurasian Soil Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-26 , DOI: 10.1134/s1064229320100105
V. N. Kudeyarov


Soils are among the main biological sources of nitrous oxide (N2O), and nitrification and denitrification processes are the major N2O production factors in soils. The nitrogen of mineral and organic fertilizers applied to the fields is easily involved in the biogeochemical cycle of soil nitrogen and contributes to the N2O emission to the atmosphere. A longer lifetime (121 years) of nitrous oxide and a higher global warming potential as compared with CO2 and CH4 are responsible for its high importance in the greenhouse effect. An increase in the N2O concentrations enhances the destruction of the ozone layer. To evaluate the regional contributions of agricultural soils to the total world greenhouse gas emissions, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommends using emission factors (\({\text{E}}{{{\text{F}}}_{{{{{\text{N}}}_{{\text{2}}}}{\text{O}}}}}\)) for national N2O inventories. The \({\text{E}}{{{\text{F}}}_{{{{{\text{N}}}_{{\text{2}}}}{\text{O}}}}}\) value depends on many factors, including soil and climatic conditions, type of mineral fertilizer, organic amendments, and nitrogen-containing waste. The data on the direct measurements of N2O emission from soils in Russia are rather limited and the estimates for N2O emission from soils for The Russian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory rely on the data calculated according to the IPCC Guidelines. The nitrogen budget in the Russian agriculture in the past 25 years has been sharply deficient. This means that a considerable part of the crop yield is formed at the expense of mineralized soil nitrogen, which is quickly assimilated by plants and microorganisms and almost does not accumulate in a free state. The estimated \({\text{E}}{{{\text{F}}}_{{{{{\text{N}}}_{{\text{2}}}}{\text{O}}}}}\) value for fertilized cereal crops (22–27 million hectares) and cereal crops is 0.66–0.70 and 0.54–2.56, which is considerably lower as compared with the IPCC default (1.0) recommended for ecologically permissible level of fertilizer nitrogen.




土壤是一氧化二氮(N 2 O)的主要生物来源,硝化和反硝化过程是土壤中N 2 O的主要生产因子。矿物和有机肥料的氮施加到字段容易参与土壤氮和有助于的生物地球化学循环到N 2 O排放到大气中。与CO 2和CH 4相比,一氧化二氮的使用寿命更长(121年)和更高的全球变暖潜能,这是其在温室效应中的重要意义。N 2增加O浓度增加了对臭氧层的破坏。为了评估农业土壤对世界温室气体总排放量的区域贡献,政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)建议使用排放因子(\({\ text {E}} {{{\ text {F}}} _ {{{{{\ text {N}}} _ {{\ text {2}}} {\ text {O}}}}} \\))的国家N 2 O库存。的\({\文本{E}} {{{\文本{F}}} _ {{{{{\文本{N}}} _ {{\文本{2}}}} {\文本{Ó} }}}} \)的价值取决于许多因素,包括土壤和气候条件,矿物肥料的类型,有机改良剂和含氮废物。直接测量俄罗斯土壤中N 2 O排放的数据非常有限,并且对N 2的估算从土壤中的O排放 俄罗斯国家温室气体清单依靠根据IPCC准则计算的数据。在过去的25年中,俄罗斯农业中的氮预算严重不足。这意味着大部分的农作物产量是以矿化的土壤氮为代价而形成的,氮被植物和微生物迅速吸收,并且几乎没有以游离状态积累。估计的\({\ text {E}} {{{\ text {F}}} _ {{{{\ text {N}}} _ {{\ text {2}}}} {\ text {O }}}}} \)受精谷类作物(22–2700万公顷)和谷类作物的价值分别为0.66-0.70和0.54-2.56,与IPCC的生态允许水平默认值(1.0)相比要低得多肥料氮。
