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Phenotypic Variability and Genetic Diversity of Phragmites australis in Quebec and Kashmir Reveal Contrasting Population Structure
Plants ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.3390/plants9101392
Gowher A. Wani , Manzoor A. Shah , Honoré Tekeu , Zafar A. Reshi , Alain R. Atangana , Damase P. Khasa

The origin of differences in traits influencing competitive success between invasive and native wild populations of alien species is subject of debate. Herbarium-based information sources from 2005 onwards about nativity and distributional range of Phragmites australis were used to survey putative native populations of the species in Quebec, and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) PCR-RFLP analyses identified only one native population, whereas the same analyses revealed that the Kashmir populations are invasive. We compared the native population of P. australis in Quebec (QN), ten populations invasive to Quebec (QE), and five populations invasive in Kashmir, India (KE) using morphometric traits. Using nine cpDNA microsatellite loci, we also compared nine KE populations, ten QE populations, and the QN population. Phenotypic variation was observed among and within populations. Only dry mass of flowers varied across regions. Characterization of morphotypes defined three distinct haplotypes. A bimodal distribution of stem diameter (SD), internode length (IL), leaf length (LL), and leaf width (LW) suggests that a major gene may control growth traits or occurrence of co-selection. High genetic differentiation was observed between populations (RST = 0.353) and haplotypes (RST = 0.133 to 0.418), indicating limited gene flow and probable local adaptation. Principal coordinates analysis and the neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree clearly distinguished the three haplotypes. Among-populations phenotypic difference (PST) was lower than overall RST for plant height, SD, and fresh and dry mass of flowers and seeds, whereas PST estimates for LL and LW exceeded among-populations RST, suggesting divergent selection, while local adaptation might have occurred in IL, LL, and flower masses. Genetic drift probably influenced among-populations IL differences.



影响外来物种的入侵和本地野生种群之间竞争成功的性状差异的起源是有争议的。从2005年起基于植物标本室的信息来源,关于芦苇的诞生和分布范围,用于调查魁北克该物种的假定原生种群,而叶绿体DNA(cpDNA)PCR-RFLP分析仅发现了一个原生种群,而相同的分析表明克什米尔人口具有侵略性。我们比较了P的本地人口。澳洲使用形态计量学特征,在魁北克(QN)入侵了魁北克(QE)的十个种群,在印度克什米尔(K​​E)入侵了五个种群。使用9个cpDNA微卫星基因座,我们还比较了9个KE种群,10个QE种群和QN种群。在人群中和人群中观察到表型变异。整个地区只有干燥的花朵质量不同。形态型的表征定义了三种不同的单倍型。茎直径(SD),节间长度(IL),叶长度(LL)和叶宽度(LW)的双峰分布表明主要基因可能控制生长性状或共选发生。在种群(R ST = 0.353)和单倍型(R ST= 0.133至0.418),表明基因流量有限且可能具有局部适应性。主坐标分析和相邻的系统发育树清楚地区分了三种单倍型。间群的表型差异(P小号Ť)比总体较低ř ST株高,SD,以及花和种子新鲜和干质量,而P ST估计LL和LW超过间群ř ST,提示发散选择,而局部适应可能发生在IL,LL和花朵上。遗传漂移可能会影响种群间的IL差异。