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Major ion, trace metal and environmental isotope characterization of groundwater in selected parts of Uddanam coastal region, Andhra Pradesh, India
Journal of Earth System Science ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s12040-020-01467-0
Tirumalesh Keesari , Anndasankar Roy , Diksha Pant , Uday Kumar Sinha , P V Nagendra Kumar , L Vaikunta Rao


This paper elaborates the hydrochemical and environmental isotope (δ2H and δ18O) inferences obtained from Uddanam region, Andhra Pradesh, India. Groundwater samples collected during pre-monsoon (June 2019) showed that the quality is fresh (EC < 1539 µS/cm) and contaminants like fluoride (<1.6 mg/L) and nitrate (<49 mg/L) are present within permissible limits. The composite water quality indices for drinking (DWQI: 14.1–92.5) and irrigation (IWQI: 2.8–20.2) are found to be satisfactory. The major water types are found to be Ca–Na–HCO3, Na–Ca–HCO3, Na–Mg–HCO3–Cl, Ca–Mg–HCO3–Cl and Na–HCO3. Three geochemical pathways are found signifying evaporite dissolution, contribution of silicate mineral weathering and base-exchange process, which is supported by estimated chloro-alkaline indices (CAI-1: −4.3 to −0.2, CAI-2: −1.03 to −0.08). Trace metal data clearly suggest that groundwater is free from any metal pollution. Dissolved silica (SiO2) levels range from 34 to 131 mg/L and do not show any particular spatial trend. Isotope data infer that groundwater is recharged by rainwater after undergoing evaporation (δ18O: −6.0‰), which matches with that of the combined isotope signature (δ18O: −5.5‰) of SW and NE monsoon rainfall. δ18O–TDS correlations and hydrochemical facies evolution (HFE) diagram do not infer any seawater intrusion into these coastal aquifers.


  • The composite water quality indices infer good to excellent category for drinking and agriculture.

  • Mineral weathering, evaporite dissolution and base-exchange reactions are the main geochemical processes.

  • Dissolved silica occurrence in groundwater is sporadic.

  • Isotope indicators show the signature of both SW and NE monsoons recharge to groundwater.

  • Observed brackishness in groundwater is due to water – rock interaction and not due to sea water intrusion.




本文阐述了水化学和环境同位素(δ 2 H和δ 18 O)推论Uddanam区域,安德拉邦,印度获得。季风前(2019年6月)收集的地下水样本显示水质新鲜(EC <1539 µS / cm),污染物如氟化物(<1.6 mg / L)和硝酸盐(<49 mg / L)在允许的范围内。饮用(DWQI:14.1–92.5)和灌溉(IWQI:2.8–20.2)的综合水质指数被认为是令人满意的。发现主要水类型为Ca–Na–HCO 3,Na–Ca–HCO 3,Na–Mg–HCO 3 –Cl,Ca–Mg–HCO 3 –Cl和Na–HCO 3。发现了三个地球化学途径,表明蒸发岩溶解,硅酸盐矿物风化作用和碱交换过程,这由估计的氯碱指数支持(CAI-1:-4.3至-0.2,CAI-2:-1.03至-0.08) 。痕量金属数据清楚地表明,地下水没有任何金属污染。溶解二氧化硅(SiO 2)的含量范围为34至131 mg / L,并且没有显示任何特定的空间趋势。推断地下水同位素数据由雨水再充电之后经历蒸发(δ 18 ○:-6.0‰),其与该组合同位素签名的匹配(δ 18:SW和NE季风降水的O- -5.5‰)。δ 18O-TDS相关性和水化学相演化图(HFE)不能推断出海水侵入这些沿海含水层。


  • 综合水质指数将饮用水和农业分类为优良。

  • 矿物风化,蒸发物溶解和碱交换反应是主要的地球化学过程。

  • 地下水中溶解二氧化硅的发生是零星的。

  • 同位素指标显示西南季风和东北季风回补到地下水的特征。

  • 观察到的咸度是由于水与岩石的相互作用,而不是由于海水的入侵。
