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Assessing Land Use and Land Cover Changes in the Direct Influence Zone of the Braço Norte Hydropower Complex, Brazilian Amazonia
Forests ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-15 , DOI: 10.3390/f11090988
João V. R. Guerrero , Elton V. Escobar-Silva , Michel E. D. Chaves , Guilherme A. V. Mataveli , Vandoir Bourscheidt , Gabriel de Oliveira , Michelle C. A. Picoli , Yosio E. Shimabukuro , Luiz E. Moschini

Over the decades, hydropower complexes have been built in several hydrographic basins of Brazil including the Amazon region. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of these constructions on the environment and local communities. This work presents a land use and land cover change temporal analysis considering a 33-year period (1985–2018) in the direct influence zone of the Braço Norte Hydropower Complex, Brazilian Amazonia, using the Collection 4.1 level 3 of the freely available MapBiomas dataset. Additionally, we have assessed the Brazilian Amazon large-scale deforestation process acting as a land use and land cover change driver in the study area. Our findings show that the most impacted land cover was forest formation (from 414 km2 to 287 km2, a reduction of 69%), which primarily shifted into pasturelands (increase of 664%, from 40 km2 to 299 km2). The construction of the hydropower complex also triggered indirect impacts such as the presence of urban areas in 2018 and the consequent increased local demand for crops. Together with the ongoing large-scale Amazonian deforestation process, the construction of the complex has intensified changes in the study area as 56.42% of the pixels were changed between 1985 and 2018. This indicates the importance of accurate economic and environmental impact studies for assessing social and environmental consequences of future construction in this unique region. Our results reveal the need for adopting special policies to minimize the impact of these constructions, for example, the creation of Protected Areas and the definition of locally-adjusted parameters for the ecological-economic zoning considering environmental and social circumstances derived from the local actors that depend on the natural environment to subsist such as indigenous peoples, riverine population, and artisanal fishermen.



几十年来,在包括亚马逊河地区在内的巴西几个水文盆地都建有水电综合体。因此,了解这些建筑对环境和当地社区的影响非常重要。这项工作利用可免费获得的MapBiomas数据集第3层第3层,介绍了巴西亚马逊河BraçoNorte水电综合体的直接影响区中的33年(1985-2018年)土地利用和土地覆盖变化的时间分析。 。此外,我们评估了巴西亚马逊大规模毁林过程,作为研究区域的土地利用和土地覆被变化的推动力。我们的发现表明,受影响最大的土地覆盖是森林形成(从414 km 2到287 km 2,减少了69%),主要转移到了牧场(增加664%,从40 km 2增加到299 km 2)。水电综合体的建设还引发了间接影响,例如2018年城市地区的存在以及随之而来的当地农作物需求的增加。再加上正在进行的大规模亚马逊地区森林砍伐过程,该建筑群的建设加剧了研究区域的变化,因为1985年至2018年间像素的变化达到了56.42%。这表明准确的经济和环境影响研究对于评估社会影响非常重要以及这个独特地区未来建设的环境后果。我们的结果表明,需要采取特殊政策来最大程度地减少这些构造的影响,例如,