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Understory use by terrestrial small mammals in an unflooded forest patch in the Pantanal floodplain
Mammalia ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2020-0016
Nayara Yoshie Sano 1 , Heitor Miraglia Herrera 1, 2 , Grasiela Edith de Oliveira Porfirio 3 , Filipe Martins Santos 2

To date, there have been no studies that have evaluated small mammal utilization of the understory of forests. In this study, we described the use of vertical strata by small mammals in patches of unflooded forests, known as “cordilheiras”, in the Nhecolândia sub-region of the Pantanal, Brazil. We collected all species using the ground and understory, including the terrestrial didelphid Monodelphis domestica . We suppose that local habitat features (e.g., Acuri palms), rather than intrinsic species characteristics, may be more conducive to the use of understory vegetation by small mammals in the Nhecolândia region.



迄今为止,还没有研究评估小型哺乳动物对森林林下资源的利用。在这项研究中,我们描述了在巴西潘塔纳尔湿地的Nhecolândia子区域中,小型哺乳动物在未淹没的森林中使用的垂直地层,称为“ cordilheiras”。我们使用地面和地下植被收集了所有物种,包括陆地双足纲Monodelphis domestica。我们认为,本地栖息地特征(例如Acuri棕榈树)而不是固有物种特征,可能更有利于Nhecolândia地区小型哺乳动物利用林下植被。