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Can the law of maximum entropy production describe the field-induced orientation of ellipsoids of rotation?
Journal of Physics Communications ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1088/2399-6528/abb0da
Jan Gimsa

Electrostatic approaches are successful in explaining the experimentally observed field-induced orientations of the axis with the highest Clausius-Mossotti factor. For conductive or nonconductive, prolate or oblate spheroids, this is always the longest axis when different frequency-dependent dispersions of their effective conductivity along the three principal axes are neglected. Here, it is shown that these orientations correspond to the ‘law of maximum entropy production’ (LMEP) by comparing the axes-ratio dependencies of the torques calculated with the electrostatic approach with the effective conductivity differences between a suspension with field-oriented and randomly oriented objects. At low volume fraction, the obtained conductivity differences, which enter the LMEP, predict almost exactly the torque curves when plotted over axis ratio of the objects. Since the field-induced orientation at constant field strength increases the effective conductivity, the suspension syste...


