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Relating pollen representation to an evolving Amazonian landscape between the last glacial maximum and Late Holocene
Quaternary Research ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-25 , DOI: 10.1017/qua.2020.64
Richard J. Smith , Francis E. Mayle , S. Yoshi Maezumi , Mitchell J. Power

In contrast to temperate regions, relationships between basin characteristics (e.g., type/size) and fossil pollen archives have received little attention in Amazonia. Here, we compare fossil pollen records of a small palm swamp (Cuatro Vientos; CV) and a nearby large lake (Laguna Chaplin, LCH) in Bolivian Amazonia, demonstrating that palm swamps can yield Quaternary pollen archives recording the history of terrestrial vegetation beyond the basin margin, rather than merely a history of localized swamp vegetation dynamics. The pollen assemblages from these two contrasting basins display remarkable agreement throughout their late Quaternary history, indicating past drier climates supported savanna landscape during the last glacial maximum (LGM; 24,000–18,000 cal yr BP) and savanna/semideciduous forest mosaic during the middle Holocene (7000-4750 cal yr BP) at both regional (inferred from LCH) and local (inferred from CV) spatial scales. Additionally, the local-scale catchment of CV and the basin's proximity to the riverine forests of the Río Paraguá enables exploration of the extent of gallery/riverine forests during the LGM and middle Holocene. We show that, between 24,000–4000 cal yr BP, riverine/gallery rainforests were substantially reduced compared with present, challenging the hypothesis that gallery rainforests were important refugia for rainforest species during the drier LGM and middle Holocene.



与温带地区相比,亚马逊流域的盆地特征(例如类型/大小)与化石花粉档案之间的关系很少受到关注。在这里,我们比较了玻利维亚亚马逊流域的一个小棕榈沼泽 (Cuatro Vientos; CV) 和附近的一个大湖 (Laguna Chaplin, LCH) 的化石花粉记录,证明棕榈沼泽可以产生第四纪花粉档案,记录地球以外的陆地植被的历史。盆地边缘,而不仅仅是局部沼泽植被动态的历史。来自这两个对比鲜明的盆地的花粉组合在其第四纪晚期历史中显示出显着的一致性,表明过去较干燥的气候支持了最后一次冰期最大值期间的稀树草原景观(LGM;24,000-18,000 cal yr BP)和中全新世(7000-4750 cal yr BP)在区域(从LCH推断)和局部(从CV推断)空间尺度上的稀树草原/半落叶林镶嵌。此外,CV 的当地规模集水区和盆地靠近 Río Paraguá 的河流森林使得探索 LGM 和中全新世期间廊道/河流森林的范围成为可能。我们表明,在 24,000-4000 cal yr BP 之间,河流/画廊热带雨林与现在相比大幅减少,这挑战了在较干燥的 LGM 和全新世中期,画廊热带雨林是热带雨林物种重要避难所的假设。由于靠近里奥巴拉瓜河的河流森林,因此可以探索 LGM 和全新世中期期间廊道/河流森林的范围。我们表明,在 24,000-4000 cal yr BP 之间,河流/画廊热带雨林与现在相比大幅减少,这挑战了在较干燥的 LGM 和全新世中期,画廊热带雨林是热带雨林物种重要避难所的假设。由于靠近里奥巴拉瓜河的河流森林,因此可以探索 LGM 和全新世中期期间廊道/河流森林的范围。我们表明,在 24,000-4000 cal yr BP 之间,河流/画廊热带雨林与现在相比大幅减少,这挑战了在较干燥的 LGM 和全新世中期,画廊热带雨林是热带雨林物种重要避难所的假设。