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Identification of species traits enhancing yield in wheat-faba bean intercropping: development and sensitivity analysis of a minimalist mixture model
Plant and Soil ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s11104-020-04668-0
H. N. C. Berghuijs , Z. Wang , T. J. Stomph , M. Weih , W. Van der Werf , G. Vico

Cereal-legume intercropping can result in yield gains compared to monocrops. We aim to identify the combination of crop traits and management practices that confer a yield advantage in strip intercropping. We developed a novel, parameter-sparse process-based crop growth model (Minimalist Mixture Model, M3) that can simulate strip intercrops under well-watered but nitrogen limited growth conditions. It was calibrated and validated for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) and spring faba bean (Vicia faba) grown as monocrops and intercrops, and used to identify the most suitable trait combinations in these intercrops via sensitivity analyses. The land equivalent ratio of intercrops was greater than one over a wide range of nitrogen fertilizer levels, but transgressive overyielding, with total yield in the intercrop greater than that of either sole crop, was only obtained at intermediate nitrogen applications. We ranked the local sensitivities of the individual yields of wheat and faba bean of the whole intercrop under various nitrogen input levels to various crop traits. The total intercrop yield can be improved by selecting specific traits related to phenology of both species, as well as light use efficiency of faba bean and, under high nitrogen applications, of wheat. Changes in height-related crop traits affected individual yields of species in intercrops but not the total intercrop yield.



与单一作物相比,谷物与豆类间作可提高产量。我们的目标是确定在条带间作中赋予产量优势的作物性状和管理实践的组合。我们开发了一种新颖的、基于参数稀疏过程的作物生长模型(Minimalist Mixture Model,M3),它可以模拟在浇水充足但氮有限的生长条件下的条状间作。它针对作为单作和间作种植的春小麦 (Triticum aestivum) 和春蚕豆 (Vicia faba) 进行了校准和验证,并用于通过敏感性分析确定这些间作中最合适的性状组合。在广泛的氮肥水平范围内,间作的土地当量比大于 1,但海侵超产,间作的总产量大于单一作物的总产量,仅在中等氮应用中获得。我们将不同氮输入水平下整个间作小麦和蚕豆的个体产量对各种作物性状的局部敏感性进行了排序。通过选择与两个物种的物候相关的特定性状,以及蚕豆和小麦在高氮应用下的光利用效率,可以提高间作总产量。与高度相关的作物性状的变化影响间作物种的个体产量,但不影响间作总产量。通过选择与两个物种的物候相关的特定性状,以及蚕豆和小麦在高氮应用下的光利用效率,可以提高间作总产量。与高度相关的作物性状的变化影响间作物种的个体产量,但不影响间作总产量。通过选择与两个物种的物候相关的特定性状,以及蚕豆和小麦在高氮应用下的光利用效率,可以提高间作总产量。与高度相关的作物性状的变化影响间作物种的个体产量,但不影响间作总产量。