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Temperature-dependent changes in active nitrifying communities in response to field fertilization legacy
Biology and Fertility of Soils ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s00374-020-01500-w
Shuikuan Bei , Yinghao Tian , Jun Zhao , Hongyan Zhang , Peter Christie , Xiaolin Li , Zhongjun Jia , Junling Zhang

Using DNA-based stable isotope probing (SIP) in microcosms, we demonstrate the shifts in active nitrifying communities in soil from field plots imposed by 8 years of mineral fertilizer N (NPK) or manure (M) applications compared with an unfertilized control (CK), and associated shifts in their temperature sensitivity. DNA-SIP indicates that ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were labeled to a much greater extent in the CK soil (74.6%) than in the NPK-amended (19.8%) or M-amended (27.1%) soils at 28 °C. In contrast, NPK soil showed the highest labeling of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) (23.3%) relative to M (4.03%) and CK (2.42%) soils. This is further supported by significant decreases in the 13 C -amoA gene ratios of AOA/AOB in the NPK (4.14) and M (8.63) compared with CK (46.4) soils at 28 °C, while little difference was observed at 35 °C. The relative abundance of active AOA or AOB in the manure was between that in the CK and NPK soils. This may be attributable to the slower release of ammonium mineralized from manure than from urea. The active AOA in soil microcosms were dominated by Nitrososphaera viennensis -like groups regardless of fertilization history or temperature. Nitrosomonas communis -like AOB may be more adapted to the higher temperature than Nitrosospira cluster 3-like AOB. The labeling of nitrite oxidizers (nitrite-oxidizing bacteria) was lowest in NPK soil and was higher at 28 °C than 35 °C regardless of fertilization treatment. The finding indicates that intensified anthropogenic N inputs in the field may select for distinct active nitrifying communities that exhibited different temperature sensitivities.



在微观世界中使用基于 DNA 的稳定同位素探测 (SIP),我们证明了与未施肥的对照 (CK) 相比,8 年施用矿物肥料 N (NPK) 或粪肥 (M) 施加的田间地块土壤中活性硝化群落的变化),以及相关的温度敏感性变化。DNA-SIP 表明氨氧化古菌 (AOA) 在 CK 土壤 (74.6%) 中的标记程度比在 28 °C 的 NPK 修正 (19.8%) 或 M 修正 (27.1%) 土壤中的程度要大得多. 相比之下,相对于 M (4.03%) 和 CK (2.42%) 土壤,NPK 土壤显示出最高的氨氧化细菌 (AOB) (23.3%) 标记。与 CK (46.4) 土壤相比,在 28 °C 时,NPK (4.14) 和 M (8.63) 土壤中 AOA/AOB 的 13 C -amoA 基因比率显着降低,而在 35 °C 时观察到的差异很小,这进一步支持了这一点C。粪便中活性 AOA 或 AOB 的相对丰度介于 CK 和 NPK 土壤之间。这可能是由于从粪便中矿化的铵比从尿素中释放得更慢。无论施肥历史或温度如何,土壤微观世界中的活跃 AOA 均以 Nitrososphaera viennensis 类群为主。Nitrosomonas community-like AOB 可能比 Nitrosospira cluster 3-like AOB 更能适应更高的温度。无论施肥处理如何,亚硝酸盐氧化剂(亚硝酸盐氧化细菌)的标记在 NPK 土壤中最低,在 28 °C 时高于 35 °C。该发现表明,该领域强化的人为氮输入可能会选择表现出不同温度敏感性的不同活跃硝化群落。