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Profound Changes in Terrestrial Ecosystems in Russia in the 21st Century
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1134/s1019331620030090
P. V. Krestov , K. A. Korznikov , D. E. Kislov

Today, changes in terrestrial ecosystems—forests, marshes, tundras, meadows, steppes—as a result of increasing anthropogenic pressures and climate warming, transform the evolutionary structure of Russia’s vegetation cover on a large scale, which increases environmental and economic risks. A comprehensive study of all the components and mechanisms of the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems will allow us to develop an approach to managing natural resources under conditions of their intensive exploitation, preserve the gene pool and biodiversity, and determine a nature management strategy. Under the current climate changes, it is the condition and normal functioning of land ecosystems that have become strategically important factors of stability, providing the human environment with basic resources (air, water, food), and of Russia’s economic growth.


