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Quadratic algebras arising from Hopf operads generated by a single element
Letters in Mathematical Physics ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s11005-020-01283-z
Anton Khoroshkin

The operads of Poisson and Gerstenhaber algebras are generated by a single binary element if we consider them as Hopf operads (i.e. as operads in the category of cocommutative coalgebras). In this note we discuss in detail Hopf operads generated by a single skew-symmetric element of arbitrary arity. We explain why the dual space to the space of n -ary operations in these operads are quadratic and Koszul algebras. We give a detailed description of generators, relations and monomial bases in these algebras.


由单个元素生成的 Hopf 操作数产生的二次代数

如果我们将 Poisson 和 Gerstenhaber 代数的操作数视为 Hopf 操作数(即作为互易余代数范畴中的操作数),则它们由单个二元元素生成。在本笔记中,我们详细讨论了由任意元数的单个偏对称元素生成的 Hopf 操作数。我们解释了为什么这些操作数中 n 元运算空间的对偶空间是二次和 Koszul 代数。我们详细描述了这些代数中的生成器、关系和单项式基。