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The early Paleozoic cumulate gabbroic rocks from the southwest part of the Tisza Mega-Unit (Mt. Papuk, NE Croatia): evidence of a Gondwana suture zone
International Journal of Earth Sciences ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s00531-020-01896-8
Damir Slovenec , Mirko Belak , Ivan Mišur , Branimir Šegvić , Ralf Schuster

The Mt. Papuk heteroadcumulate pyroxene–amphibole gabbronorites, which outcrops at the southern margin of the Tisza Mega-Unit, is suggested to stem from the deep oceanic crust formed by the in situ crystallisation in a supposed magma chamber. Amphibole oikocrystals are found to define a poikilitic texture of analysed rocks. A common enclosure in amphibole is the cumulus orthopyroxene, and rarely, the clinopyroxene and/or plagioclase and spinel. The chemical composition of related minerals and their crystallisation sequence suggest the sub-solidus crystallisation of gabbronorite in an open system at high temperatures and medium pressures. Parental magmas originated from the moderately depleted mantle source, which was metasomatised prior to melting. Early mineral fractionation gave rise to the assemblage consisted of spinel, pyroxene, plagioclase and intercumulus amphibole. The rocks’ bulk chemistry, mineral crystallisation sequence, pyroxene geochemistry and myriad of high Ca-plagioclase, which coexists with igneous Ca-amphibole are all in favour of the strong subduction influence typical for mafic intrusion formed above mantle wedge in the root of an island arc at depths of 10–21 km. Herein presented geochemical and isotopic data (40Ar–39Ar: 487.1 ± 4.3 Ma and Sm–Nd: 505 Ma) go along with the existence of an intra-oceanic arc related to geodynamic events that took place in the Prototethyan oceanic realm s.l. during middle Cambrian to earliest Ordovician. These events were likely correlated with the subduction of the Quaidam(?) back-arc ocean, or alternatively, with the subduction and closure of Prototethyan branches located between microcontinental fragments of Asia. Initially, the closure of back-arc oceans led to crust fragmentation and, then, addition of non-metamorphosed mafites into the obducted sequence further from the active continental margins of Gondwana and Laurassia at the time of the formation of Pangea in the late Palaeozoic.



山。建议在Tisza Mega-Unit的南缘露头的Papuk杂成辉石的辉石-闪石辉闪石辉长岩,起源于假定的岩浆室内原位结晶形成的深海地壳。发现闪石闪石晶体定义了所分析岩石的胶质质地。闪石中常见的外壳是邻苯二甲酚积云,稀有斜柏和/或斜长石和尖晶石。有关矿物的化学组成及其结晶顺序表明辉长岩在高温和中压下在开放系统中亚固相结晶。父母的岩浆起源于中度贫乏的地幔源,该源在融化之前已被交代。早期的矿物分馏产生了尖晶石,辉石,斜长石和丘间角闪石。岩石的整体化学,矿物结晶序列,辉石地球化学以及无数的高钙斜长岩与火成的钙斜方岩共存,都有利于典型的强烈俯冲作用,这对于岛屿根部的地幔楔上方形成的镁铁质侵入岩具有典型的强烈俯冲作用。弧线深度为10–21 km。本文介绍了地球化学和同位素数据(40 Ar– 39 Ar:487.1±4.3 Ma和Sm–Nd:505 Ma)伴随着与地球动力学事件有关的大洋内部弧的存在,这发生在中寒武纪至最早的奥陶纪时期的原原生海域sl中。这些事件可能与Quaidam(?)后海的俯冲有关,或者与位于亚洲微大陆碎片之间的Prototethyan分支的俯冲和闭合有关。最初,后海洋的封闭导致地壳碎裂,然后,在古生代晚期的Pangea形成时,从冈瓦纳和劳拉西亚的活跃大陆边缘进一步向被俯冲序列中添加了非变质的玛菲特。
