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Bioleaching of low-grade copper sulfide ore by extremely thermoacidophilic consortia at 70 °C in column reactors
Journal of Central South University ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s11771-020-4376-0
Chen-bing Ai , Yu-ting Liang , Guan-zhou Qiu , Wei-min Zeng

The effects of introducing M. sedula derivatives having different Cu2+-resistance on bioleaching capacity of a defined consortium (consisting of A. brierleyi DSM1651 and M. hakonensis HO1-1) were studied in column reactors at 70 °C. Introducing M. sedula copA mutant, a copper sensitive derivative, only had negligible effects on bioleaching. While introducing M. sedula ARS50-2, a Cu2+ resistant strain, substantially consolidated bioleaching process, with 27.77% more copper recovered after 58 d of bioleaching. Addition of M. sedula ARS50-2 likely enhanced the sulfur oxidation capacity of consortium after the 24th day under the Cu2+ stress. The majority of extreme thermoacidophiles were attached on minerals surface as indicated by quantitative PCR (qPCR) data. Successions of microbial community of extremely thermoacidophilic consortia that attached on surface of minerals were different from those in leachate. M. hakonensis HO1-1 was the dominant species attached on minerals surface in each column reactor throughout bioleaching process. The sessile M. sedula ARS50-2 remained as a major species till the 34th day. A. brierleyi DSM1651 was the most abundant planktonic species in leachate of each column reactor. These results highlight that higher Cu2+-resistance is a beneficial trait for extreme thermoacidophiles to process copper minerals.



在70°C的柱反应器中研究了引入具有不同Cu 2+抗性的景天草衍生物对定义的财团(由A. brierleyi DSM1651和hakonensis HO1-1组成)的生物浸出能力的影响。引入s。sedula cop A突变体,一种对铜敏感的衍生物,对生物浸出的影响可忽略不计。在引入M. sedula sedula ARS50-2的同时,Cu 2+抗性菌株大大巩固了生物浸出过程,经过58 d生物浸出后,铜的回收率提高了27.77%。在铜的作用下第24天后,添加M. sedula sedula ARS50-2可能会增强财团的硫氧化能力。2+压力。如定量PCR(qPCR)数据所示,大多数极端嗜热嗜酸菌附着在矿物表面。附着在矿物表面的极嗜热嗜酸菌群的微生物群落演替不同于渗滤液。M. hakonensis HO1-1是附着在矿物优势种在每个塔型反应器在整个生物浸出过程表面。无柄M. sedula sedula ARS50-2仍然是主要种类,直到第34天。Brierleyi A. brierleyi DSM1651是每个柱式反应器渗滤液中最丰富的浮游生物。这些结果表明,较高的Cu 2+抵抗力是极端嗜热嗜酸菌加工铜矿物的有益特性。
