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Assessment of the Chemical Diversity and Potential Toxicity of Benthic Cyanobacterial Blooms in the Lagoon of Moorea Island (French Polynesia)
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.3390/jmse8060406
Isabelle Bonnard , Louis Bornancin , Klervi Dalle , Mireille Chinain , Mayalen Zubia , Bernard Banaigs , Mélanie Roué

In the last decades, an apparent increase in the frequency of benthic cyanobacterial blooms has occurred in coral reefs and tropical lagoons, possibly in part because of global change and anthropogenic activities. In the frame of the survey of marine benthic cyanobacteria proliferating in the lagoon of Moorea Island (French Polynesia), 15 blooms were collected, mainly involving three species—Anabaena sp.1, Lyngbya majuscula and Hydrocoleum majus-B. Their chemical fingerprints, obtained through high performance liquid chromatography combined with UV detection and mass spectrometry (HPLC-UV-MS) analyses, revealed a high extent of species-specificity. The chemical profile of Anabaena sp.1 was characterized by three major cyclic lipopeptides of the laxaphycin family, whereas the one of L. majuscula was characterized by a complex mixture including tiahuramides, trungapeptins and serinol-derived malyngamides. Toxicity screening analyses conducted on these cyanobacterial samples using Artemia salina and mouse neuroblastoma cell-based (CBA-N2a) cytotoxic assays failed to show any toxicity to a degree that would merit risk assessment with regard to public health. However, the apparently increasing presence of blooms of Lyngbya, Hydrocoleum, Anabaena or other benthic cyanobacteria on coral reefs in French Polynesia encourages the implementation of ad hoc monitoring programs for the surveillance of their proliferation and potential assessment of associated hazards.



在过去的几十年中,珊瑚礁和热带泻湖中底栖蓝藻水华的发生频率明显增加,这可能部分是由于全球变化和人为活动造成的。在底栖蓝藻在莫雷阿岛(法属波利尼西亚)的泻湖增殖的调查框架中,15个华收集,主要涉及三个物种鱼腥SP.1,鞘丝majusculaHydrocoleum草-B。通过高效液相色谱结合紫外检测和质谱分析(HPLC-UV-MS)获得的化学指纹图谱显示出高度的物种特异性。鱼腥藻的化学特征sp.1的特征是laxaphycin家族的三个主要环状脂肽,而majuscula的一个特征是包括噻呋酰胺,曲安肽和丝氨醇衍生的麦芽酰胺的复杂混合物。使用卤虫和基于小鼠成神经细胞瘤细胞(CBA-N2a)的细胞毒性测定法对这些蓝细菌样品进行的毒性筛选分析未能显示出一定程度的毒性,值得对公共卫生进行风险评估。然而,显然增加了花朵的存在鞘丝Hydrocoleum鱼腥 法属波利尼西亚珊瑚礁上的其他底栖蓝藻或其他底栖蓝细菌,鼓励实施临时监测计划,以监测其扩散并评估相关危害。