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Heat-Resistant RuAl-Based Alloys: Part I. Cast Alloys
Inorganic Materials: Applied Research ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-13 , DOI: 10.1134/s2075113320020318
K. B. Povarova , A. E. Morozov , A. A. Drozdov


Refractory ruthenium monoaluminide RuAl, a heat-resistant material with the melting point tmp = 2100°C, lighter than nickel superalloys—the density ρ = 7.97 g/cm3—is considered to be a promising candidate for high-temperature applications under relatively low loads in high-speed oxidizing gas flows at temperatures higher than not only the operating (top) but also the melting (tmp) temperatures of both nickel superalloys and nickel and titanium aluminides. RuAl is also an ideal candidate for protective coatings of critical components of the hot gas path of gas turbine and rocket engines. In the first part of the article, the authors consider the principles of selecting the alloying systems and the methods for production of single-phase or heterophase RuAl cast alloys and changes in their structural and phase states under cold and hot deformation and provide data on the mechanical properties within a wide range of temperatures, the oxidation resistance and the resistance to some corrosive media, and the plasma erosion resistance.




难熔性单铝钌RuAl是一种耐热材料,其熔点t mp  = 2100°C,比镍超合金轻(密度ρ= 7.97 g / cm 3),被认为是在相对高温下高温应用的有前途的候选材料高速氧化气体中的低负载流温度不仅高于运行温度(t op),还高于熔化温度(t mp镍超合金以及镍和钛铝化物的温度)。RuAl还是燃气轮机和火箭发动机热气道关键部件保护涂层的理想选择。在本文的第一部分中,作者考虑了选择合金化系统的原理和生产单相或异相RuAl铸造合金的方法以及冷热变形下结构和相态的变化,并提供了有关在很宽的温度范围内具有良好的机械性能,抗氧化性和对某些腐蚀性介质的抗性以及抗等离子体侵蚀性。