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Spreading of Alien Zooplankton Species of Ponto-Caspian Origin in the Reservoirs of the Volga and Kama Rivers
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-14 , DOI: 10.1134/s2075111719040040
V. I. Lazareva


Zooplankton was studied in August 2015–2017 in eight reservoirs of the Volga River, in an unregulated part of the river between the cities of Volgograd and Astrakhan, and in three reservoirs of the Kama River. The Ponto-Caspian species were recorded in the Volga River downstream of the city of Kazan (south of 55°32′ N) and in the Kama River from the mouth to the upper reaches of the Kama Reservoir (59°20′ N). Six alien species (Heterocope caspia, Calanipeda aquaedulcis, Eurytemora caspica, Cornigerius maeoticus maeoticus, Cercopagis pengoi, and Podonevadne trigona ovum) were recorded in the Volga reservoirs and three species (Heterocope caspia, Eurytemora caspica, and Cercopagis pengoi) were recorded in the Kama reservoirs. It was found first time that copepods Heterocope caspia and Eurytemora caspica spread and naturalized in the areas of all three Kama reservoirs (within the distance of 1000 km from the Volga River); the cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi formed a disrupted range with a group of habitats in the mouth part of the Kama River (55°12′–55°26′ N) and north near the city of Perm (57°53′–58°26′ N). The boundary of the ranges of Calanipeda aquaedulcis, Cornigerius maeoticus, and Cercopagis pengoi shifted 300–400 km to the north in the Volga River and 300 km in the Kama River; they occupied almost all area of the Kuibyshev Reservoir except for the upper reaches of its Volga part. The range expansion of the cladoceran Podonevadne trigona ovum was not observed; this species was found only in the Volgograd Reservoir (46°18′ N). It was revealed that by 2017 the Mediterranean copepod Calanipeda aquaedulcis had become common (occurrence in more than 90% of samples), locally numerous in the Volga River from the city of Astrakhan (52° N) to the mouth of the Kama River (55°12′ N) and in the Kama River from the mouth to the upper reaches of the Kama part of the Kuibyshev Reservoir (55°24′ N). It is revealed that a new species Eurytemora caspica (described in 2013), but not E. affinis (as it was believed earlier), lives in the Volga and Kama rivers. The prospects of the further spread of Ponto-Caspian species up the Volga and Kama rivers and their role in the zooplankton in water bodies are discussed.




2015年8月至2017年8月,在伏尔加河的八个水库,伏尔加格勒市与阿斯特拉罕市之间的河水未受管制的部分以及卡马河的三个水库中对浮游动物进行了研究。在喀山市下游的伏尔加河(北纬55°32′)和从卡马河口至北端上游(北纬59°20′)的卡马河中记录有蓬图里海种。六个外来物种(Heterocope CASPIACalanipeda aquaedulcisEurytemora柴Cornigerius maeoticus maeoticus鱼钩水蚤Podonevadne TRIGONA卵子)被记录在伏尔加河水库和三个品种(Heterocope CASPIA在卡马水库中记录到了Eurytemora caspicaCercopagis pengoi。首次发现co足类双胞胎Eurytemora caspica在所有三个卡玛水库区域(距伏尔加河1000公里以内)扩散并归化;枝状角柏(Cercopagis pengoi)在卡马河河口(北纬55°12′至55°26′)和彼尔姆市附近(北纬57°53′至58°26′)北部形成了一系列栖息地。 N)。Calanipeda aquaedulcisCornigerius maeoticusCercopagis pengoi范围的边界在伏尔加河向北移动300-400公里,在卡马河向北移动300公里;除了伏尔加河上游部分以外,它们几乎占据了居比雪夫水库的所有区域。没有观察到锁骨PoPodonevadne trigona卵的范围扩大。该物种仅在伏尔加格勒水库(北纬46°18′)中发现。据透露,到2017年,地中海co足类Calanipeda aquaedulcis变得很普遍(超过90%的样本中都存在),在伏尔加河中从阿斯特拉罕市(52°N)到卡马河河口(55 N12°N),以及从库比雪夫水库(Kaibyshev Reservoir)的卡玛河上游到卡玛河上游的卡玛河(55°24'N)。据透露,一个新物种Eurytemora caspica(在2013年进行了描述),但并非原产于美国的大肠埃希菌E. affinis)生活在伏尔加河和卡马河中。讨论了蓬图里海种在伏尔加河和卡马河上进一步扩散的前景及其在水体浮游动物中的作用。