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Evolution of Btr1-А Gene in Diploid Wheat Species of the Genus Triticum L.
Russian Journal of Genetics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-30 , DOI: 10.1134/s1022795420050142
V. Yu. Vavilova , I. D. Konopatskaia , A. G. Blinov , N. P. Goncharov


During domestication of cereals, the threshability (hulled vs. naked grains) and brittle vs. non-brittle rachis were the most important traits, and man produced a breeding for naked and non-brittle rachis. In wheat, three gene systems that control the non-brittle rachis were identified. One of them is caused by the Btr1 (Non-brittle rachis) genes located in the chromosomes of the 3rd homeologic group. In the framework of this study, the sequences of the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions and the coding region of the Btr1-A gene were studied for 30 accessions of wild and domesticated diploid wheat species Triticum boeoticum, T. monococcum, T. sinskajae, and T. urartu from Southern Europe, Transcaucasia, and Minor Asia. The Btr1-A gene sequence of T. sinskajae was obtained for the first time. In total, 11 various haplotypes of this gene were identified in the diploid wheat accessions studied, and five of them, namely, Hap12–Hap16, were described for the first time. The variability of T. boeoticum and T. urartu haplotypes, which were not previously described, does not affect the critical substitution at position 355 of the Btr1-A gene (G to A), specific to brittle rachis diploid wheat. The sequence of this gene in T. sinskajae and all T. monococcum accessions was identical to the haplotype Hap9 detected earlier. At position 355 of the Btr1-A gene, this haplotype replaces G with A, which leads to the occurrence of the non-brittle rachis trait. The involvement of diploid species haplotypes, which causes their lack of brittle rachis, in the naked polyploid wheat species is discussed.




在谷物驯化过程中,脱粒能力(去壳谷物与裸粒小麦)和脆性谷物与非脆性小麦饼是最重要的特征,而人类则为裸核和非脆性小麦饼提供了育种。在小麦中,确定了控制非脆性花生的三个基因系统。其中之一是由位于第三顺势疗法组染色体中的Btr1非脆性轴)基因引起的。在本研究的框架内,研究了野生和驯化的二倍体小麦品种Triticum boeoticumT。monococcumT的30'份Btr1-A基因5'-和3'-非翻译区和编码区的序列。sinskajaeT. urartu来自南欧,Transcaucasia和小亚细亚。首次获得中华TBtr1-A基因序列。在研究的二倍体小麦种质中,总共鉴定出该基因11个不同的单倍型,其中首次描述了其中的5个,即Hap12–Hap16。的可变性T.野生一粒T.乌拉尔图单倍型,这些都没有先前描述的,不影响在355位置处的临界取代BTR1-A基因(G到A),具体到脆性轴节二倍体小麦。该基因在中华锥虫和所有单核锥虫中的序列种质与先前检测到的单倍型Hap9相同。在Btr1-A基因的355位,此单倍型用A替代了G,这导致了非脆性rachis性状的发生。讨论了二倍体物种单倍型在裸露的多倍体小麦物种中的参与,这导致其缺乏脆性轴突。