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Activity patterns in the reintroduced Pyrenean brown bear population
Mammal Research ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s13364-020-00507-w
Aida Parres , Santiago Palazón , Ivan Afonso , Pierre-Yves Quenette , Antoni Batet , Jean-Jacques Camarra , Xavier Garreta , Salvador Gonçalves , Jordi Guillén , Sergio Mir , Ramón Jato , Joan Rodríguez , Jerome Sentilles , Laura Xicola , Yolanda Melero

Mammals usually adjust behavioral patterns when exposed to disturbances. Elusiveness and low-risk time selection may reduce their stress in periods of highest risk. In Europe, brown bears (Ursus arctos) coexist with humans in densely populated and modified landscapes and, consequently, are exposed to human-caused disturbances during the daytime hours. Furthermore, intraspecific interactions might also influence their behavioral responses, especially during the mating season. Activity patterns of several large carnivores have been thoroughly studied; however, research is scarce for relocated populations. Here, we report the activity patterns in the reintroduced brown bear population in the Pyrenees. We expected the bears to reduce their activity depending on the type and level of disturbances. We analyzed individual behavior of both sexes (males, solitary females, and females with offspring) and age groups (adults and subadults) using camera-trap surveys under different types of intraspecific and anthropogenic disturbances. In general, bears were more active during the night (2200–0600 h) and avoided peaks of human activity (1000–1800 h). Furthermore, with the increasing nocturnal disturbance of adult males during the mating season, females with offspring and subadults were more active during daylight. This suggests that vulnerable individuals showed high tolerance for human presence. These results contribute to improve our knowledge of how a threatened and relocated bear population behaves in a human-modified landscape of southern Europe. Further research on this population will be crucial to establish optimal management interventions during translocations, and the prevention of human-bear encounters and conflicts.



当受到干扰时,哺乳动物通常会调整行为方式。难以捉摸和低风险的时间选择可以在最高风险的时期减轻他们的压力。在欧洲,棕熊(Ursus arctos)在人口稠密和经过修改的景观中与人类共存,因此,在白天,它们会受到人为因素的干扰。此外,种内相互作用也可能影响其行为反应,尤其是在交配季节。已经彻底研究了几种大型食肉动物的活动模式。但是,对于迁移人口的研究很少。在这里,我们报告了在比利牛斯山脉重新引入的棕熊种群中的活动模式。我们希望熊会根据干扰的类型和程度来减少它们的活动。我们在不同类型的种内和人为干扰下,通过相机诱捕调查分析了性别(男性,单身女性和有后代女性)和年龄组(成人和亚成人)的个体行为。一般来说,熊在夜间(2200-0600小时)更加活跃,避免了人类活动的高峰(1000-1800小时)。此外,随着交配季节中成年男性夜间活动的增加,具有后代和亚成年女性的白天活动更加活跃。这表明脆弱的个体对人类的存在表现出高度的耐受性。这些结果有助于提高我们对濒临灭绝的熊种群在南欧人为改变的景观中的行为的了解。对该人群的进一步研究对于在易位期间建立最佳管理干预措施以及防止人为遭遇和冲突至关重要。随着在交配季节成年雄性的夜间睡眠干扰增加,具有后代和亚成年雌性的雌性在白天更加活跃。这表明脆弱的个体对人类的存在表现出高度的耐受性。这些结果有助于提高我们对濒临灭绝的熊种群在南欧人为改变的景观中的行为的了解。对该人群的进一步研究对于在易位期间建立最佳管理干预措施以及防止人为遭遇和冲突至关重要。随着在交配季节成年雄性的夜间睡眠干扰的增加,具有后代和亚成年雌性的雌性在白天更加活跃。这表明脆弱的个体对人类的存在表现出高度的耐受性。这些结果有助于提高我们对濒临灭绝的熊种群在南欧人为改变的景观中的行为的了解。对该人群的进一步研究对于在易位期间建立最佳管理干预措施以及防止人为遭遇和冲突至关重要。这些结果有助于提高我们对濒临灭绝的熊种群在人为改变的南欧景观中的行为的了解。对该人群的进一步研究对于在易位期间建立最佳管理干预措施以及防止人为遭遇和冲突至关重要。这些结果有助于提高我们对濒临灭绝的熊种群在南欧人为改变的景观中的行为的了解。对该人群的进一步研究对于在易位期间建立最佳管理干预措施以及防止人为遭遇和冲突至关重要。