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Crystallographic orientation of ilmenite inclusions in amphibole – an electron backscatter diffraction study
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1515/zkri-2020-0003
Chang Xu 1 , Shanrong Zhao 1 , Jiaohua Zhou 2 , Xu He 1 , Haijun Xu 1

Abstract Orientated ilmenite inclusions have been discovered in amphibole of hornblendite from the Zhujiapu area, Dabie ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, China. In order to characterize the crystallographic orientation relationships between ilmenite inclusions and amphibole host and reconstruct the mechanism of their formation, we present an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis and electron microprobe analysis (EPMA) for ilmenite inclusions and amphibole host. The inclusions can be subdivided into four groups: (1) 60.2% of ilmenites have the crystallographic orientation {0001}Ilm // {100}Amp, (101̅0)Ilm // {010}Amp, [112̅0]Ilm // <001> Amp and [112̅0]Ilm // <012 > Amp. (2) 16.5% of ilmenites have <0001> Ilm // <001> Amp, (101̅0)Ilm // {010}Amp, (112̅0)Ilm // {100}Amp and [3̅031]Ilm // <012> Amp. (3) 13.8% of ilmenites have <0001> Ilm // <012> Amp, (112̅0)Ilm // {100}Amp and [3̅031]Ilm // <001> Amp. (4) 9.5% of ilmenites have <0001> Ilm // [1̅12]Amp, (101̅0)Ilm // {201}Amp, [112̅0]Ilm // [1̅12]Amp and [1121¯]Ilm ${[11\overline {21} ]_{Ilm}}$ // <010> Amp. By comparing the lattice relationship between ilmenite inclusions and amphibole hosts, it is shown that the frequency of the ilmenite inclusions in different groups is related to the lattice coherency and oxygen packing. Group-1 of the ilmenite inclusions was most likely be formed via a solid-state exsolution process by cooling of the hornblendite after the intrusion was emplaced. The other three groups of ilmenite inclusions were probably formed via reduction reaction in an open system. The formation temperature of the ilmenite inclusions is estimated by using the TiO2 solubility geothermeter in amphibole. The minimum formation temperature of the ilmenite inclusions is about 1025 °C, and the maximum formation temperature of the ilmenite inclusions is about 1126 °C.