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Optimization of process of the honeycomb-like structure formation by the regime of reversing current (RC) in the second range
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10008-020-04658-3
Nebojša D. Nikolić , Predrag M. Živković , Nevenka Elezović , Uroš Lačnjevac

Formation of the honeycomb-like electrodes of copper by the regime of reversing current (RC) in the second range has been investigated. Morphological and structural characteristics of this electrode type obtained by various parameters of RC regimes were examined by the techniques of scanning electron and optical microscopies, while the amount of hydrogen produced during electrodeposition process was quantified by determination of the average current efficiency for hydrogen evolution reaction. To optimize the process of formation of the honeycomb-like electrodes, the following parameters of square wave RC regimes were analyzed: the cathodic current density, the same anodic to cathodic time ratios but various durations of the cathodic and the anodic pulses, and the various values of the anodic to cathodic time ratios. The minimal amount of hydrogen spent for formation of the honeycomb-like electrodes with maximal number of holes formed from detached hydrogen bubbles is obtained with the anodic to cathodic time ratio of 0.50 and duration of the cathodic and anodic pulses of 2 and 1 s, respectively. To explain formation of the honeycomb-like electrodes of optimal morphological and structural characteristics, the upgraded mathematical model defining the RC regime in the second range was proposed and discussed.

Graphical Abstract



已经研究了通过第二范围内的反向电流(RC)机制形成的铜蜂窝状电极。通过扫描电子和光学显微镜技术检查了通过各种RC制度参数获得的这种电极类型的形态和结构特征,同时通过确定析氢反应的平均电流效率来量化电沉积过程中产生的氢气量。为了优化蜂窝状电极的形成过程,分析了以下方波RC机制的参数:阴极电流密度,相同的阳极与阴极时间比,但阴极和阳极脉冲的持续时间各不相同,以及各种阳极时间与阴极时间之比的值。在阳极与阴极的时间比为0.50且阴极和阳极脉冲的持续时间分别为2和1 s的情况下,可获得用于形成蜂窝状电极的最少量的氢,该蜂窝状电极具有由分离的氢气泡形成的最大数量的孔。 。为了解释具有最佳形态和结构特征的蜂窝状电极的形成,提出并讨论了在第二范围内定义RC方案的升级数学模型。

