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Glycera sheikhmujibi n. sp. (Annelida: Polychaeta: Glyceridae): A New Species of Glyceridae from the Saltmarsh of Bangladesh
Diversity ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.3390/d12060213
M. Hossain , Pat Hutchings

: A new species of glycerid polychaete, Glycera sheikhmujibi, is described from the saltmarsh on the central coast of Bangladesh. The species is identified based on morphological characteristics using both a light microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The species is characterized by the presence of three distinct types of proboscideal papillae: type 1 papillae (conical with three transverse ridges), type 2 (conical with a straight, median, longitudinal ridge), and type 3 (round, shorter, and broader, with a straight, median, longitudinal ridge). It has a Y-shaped aileron with gently incised triangular base, almost equal-size digitiform noto- and neuropodial lobes in the mid-body, and long ventral cirri at the posterior end. The new species is compared with its related species, previously described from the Bay of Bengal region. A key to all these species is provided.



在孟加拉国中部海岸的盐沼中描述了一种新的甘油多毛类甘油,甘油甘油。使用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)根据形态特征识别物种。该物种的特征是存在三种不同类型的前鞭毛乳头:1型乳头(圆锥形,具有三个横向脊),2型(圆锥形,具有直的,中间,纵向脊)和3型(圆形,较短和较宽) ,具有笔直的,中间的纵向脊)。它有一个Y形副翼,其底部呈三角形切开,中体的大小近似于趾状三叉神经突和神经足突,后部长腹围。将新物种与其先前在孟加拉湾地区描述的相关物种进行比较。