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Prediction of Shoreline Evolution. Reliability of a General Model for the Mixed Beach Case
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-21 , DOI: 10.3390/jmse8050361
Giuseppe R. Tomasicchio , Antonio Francone , David J. Simmonds , Felice D’Alessandro , Ferdinando Frega

In the present paper, after a sensitivity analysis, the calibration and verification of a novel morphodynamic model have been conducted based on a high-quality field experiment data base. The morphodynamic model includes a general formula to predict longshore transport and associated coastal morphology over short- and long-term time scales. With respect to the majority of the existing one-line models, which address sandy coastline evolution, the proposed General Shoreline beach model (GSb) is suitable for estimation of shoreline change at a coastal mound made of non-cohesive sediment grains/units as sand, gravel, cobbles, shingle and rock. In order to verify the reliability of the GSb model, a comparison between observed and calculated shorelines in the presence of a temporary groyne deployed at a mixed beach has been performed. The results show that GSb gives a good agreement between observations and predictions, well reproducing the coastal evolution.


