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The Impact of No-Till, Conservation, and Conventional Tillage Systems on Erosion and Soil Properties in Lower Austria
Eurasian Soil Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-07 , DOI: 10.1134/s1064229320040079
M. A. Komissarov , A. Klik


The effect of long-term (about 25 years) use of different farming practices on a set of soil properties and development of erosion in Lower Austria has been studied. Three tillage systems—zero, or no-till (NT); minimum, or conservation (CS); and conventional (CV)—are compared. The comparison demonstrates that the properties of Typic Argiudols (Luvic Phaeozems), formed on steep (13.2%) slopes, change depending on both the tillage type and the position on the slope. Unlike the CV tillage, the soil-saving technologies provide higher contents of nutrients, silt, and clay, as well as better water permeability and water stability of soil aggregates. Despite an almost doubled amount of lumpy fractions (>10 mm), the soil aggregate states after NT and CS tillage are estimated as “excellent”. Independently of the tillage system, all agrochemical, electrophysical, and hydrophysical parameters (except for pH and bulk density) increase downward the slope, which is associated with erosion, namely, the washout of suspended sediments by water flows. The Corg content in the soil tightly correlates with the water stability of soil aggregates (r = 0.91), the concentration of soluble humic substances and fine solids (SAK; r = 0.76), and electroconductivity (r = 0.75). An anti-erosion efficiency of tillage practice increases in the series CV–CS–NT. The NT or CS systems are recommended for the erosion-prone slopes of Alpine foothills.




研究了长期使用(约25年)不同耕作方式对下奥地利州一系列土壤特性和侵蚀发展的影响。三种耕作系统-零耕或免耕(NT);最小或守恒(CS);与常规(CV)进行了比较。比较结果表明,在陡峭(13.2%)的斜坡上形成的典型的Argiudols(Luvic Phaeozems)的性质会根据耕种类型和斜坡上的位置而变化。与CV耕作不同,节土技术可提供更高含量的养分,淤泥和黏土,以及更好的透水性和土壤团聚体的水稳定性。尽管块状部分(> 10 mm)的数量几乎增加了一倍,但NT和CS耕作后的土壤团聚体状态被认为是“极好的”。与耕作系统无关,所有农用化学品,电物理参数和水物理参数(pH和堆积密度除外)沿坡度向下增加,这与侵蚀有关,即水流冲刷悬浮的沉积物。C土壤中的org含量与土壤团聚体的水稳定性(r = 0.91),可溶性腐殖质和细固体的浓度(SAK; r = 0.76)和电导率(r = 0.75)紧密相关。在CV–CS–NT系列中,提高耕作的抗侵蚀效率。建议将NT或CS系统用于阿尔卑斯山丘陵易侵蚀的斜坡。
