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Zinc-rich and copper-bearing amphiboles from sulfide-free ore occurrences of the Pelagonian Massif, Republic of North Macedonia
Mineralogy and Petrology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s00710-020-00694-z
Nikita V. Chukanov , Natalia V. Zubkova , Simeon Jančev , Igor V. Pekov , Vera N. Ermolaeva , Dmitry A. Varlamov , Dmitriy I. Belakovskiy , Sergey N. Britvin

This paper describes specific features of isomorphism of unusual amphiboles containing up to 23 wt% ZnO and up to 1.3 wt% CuO from sulfide-free metasomatic rocks of the “Mixed Series” metamorphic complex, Pelagonian Massif, Republic of North Macedonia, in which chalcophile elements (Pb, Cu, Zn, Sb, As) occur in high concentrations in the form of oxides and oxysalts. The studied amphiboles belong to six mineral species: magnesio-riebeckite, ferri-winchite, F-dominant analogue of ferri-winchite (“ferri-fluoro-winchite”), ferri-barroisite, ferri-nybøite, and a zinc-rich amphibole related to clino-suenoite. The main substitution schemes are Zn → Mg and Na + Fe 3+ → Ca + Mg. The amphibole related to clino-suenoite has been studied in the most detailed way. Its empirical formula is (Mg 2.99 Zn 2.47 Mn 1.26 Fe 3+ 0.30 Ca 0.07 ) Σ7.09 (Si 7.89 Fe 3+ 0.06 Al 0.05 O 22 )(OH) 2 , and it is the most Zn-rich amphibole among those that have ever been described in literary sources. This amphibole is characterized by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopic and optical data. The role of high barium activity in the formation of sulfide-free ores of chalcophile elements has been substantiated. A possible mechanism of sulfur immobilization can be described by the scheme S 2− + 2O 2 ↔ SO 4 2− ; SO 4 2− + Ba 2+ → BaSO 4 ↓.


来自北马其顿共和国 Pelagonian Massif 无硫化物矿点的富锌和含铜角闪石

本文描述了来自北马其顿共和国 Pelagonian 地块的“混合系列”变质复合体的无硫化物交代岩中含有高达 23 wt% ZnO 和高达 1.3 wt% CuO 的不寻常角闪石的同构特征元素(Pb、Cu、Zn、Sb、As)以氧化物和含氧盐的形式以高浓度存在。所研究的角闪石属于六种矿物:氧化镁-里贝克石、铁-温闪石、铁-温闪石的 F-主导类似物(“铁-氟-温闪石”)、铁-巴氏石、亚铁-nybøite 和富锌角闪石相关到 clino-suenoite。主要的替代方案是Zn→Mg和Na+Fe 3+→Ca+Mg,对斜长闪石相关的角闪石进行了最详细的研究。其经验公式为(Mg 2.99 Zn 2.47 Mn 1.26 Fe 3+ 0.30 Ca 0.07) Σ7.09 (Si 7.89 Fe 3+ 0. 06 Al 0.05 O 22) (OH) 2 ,它是文献中描述过的最富锌的闪石。这种闪石的特征在于单晶和粉末 X 射线衍射、红外光谱和光学数据。高钡活性在形成不含硫化物的亲硫元素矿石中的作用已得到证实。S 2− + 2O 2 ↔ SO 4 2− 可以描述硫固定的可能机制;SO 4 2− + Ba 2+ → BaSO 4 ↓。S 2− + 2O 2 ↔ SO 4 2− 可以描述硫固定的可能机制;SO 4 2− + Ba 2+ → BaSO 4 ↓。S 2− + 2O 2 ↔ SO 4 2− 可以描述硫固定的可能机制;SO 4 2− + Ba 2+ → BaSO 4 ↓。