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HLA study in Amerindian Bolivia La Paz Aymaras.
Human Immunology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.humimm.2020.04.005
Antonio Arnaiz-Villena 1 , Ignacio Juarez 1 , Adrian Lopez-Nares 1 , Estefania Crespo-Yuste 1 , Alvaro Callado 1 , Fabio Suarez-Trujillo 1

Aymara people has been a relatively homogeneous group since Spanish Conquest by 1,532 CE, even if previously represented a group of various cultural defined populations who gave rise to them. They were and are established in Andean Altiplano around Titikaka Lake (Bolivia, Peru), Argentina and Chile neighborhood, speak Aymara language and have been maintained after Europeans arrival at a lower social status than Quechua (Inca) speaking people. However, both Aymara and Quechua populations acknowledge Titikaka Lake as center of their origins; both languages are also related. Specific high frequencies of HLA-A*02, -A*24 and -A*68, HLA-B*35, -B*39 and -B*48, HLA-DRB1*08:02, -DRB1*09:01, and -DRB1*14:02, and HLA-DQB1*04:02, -DQB1*03:02 and -DQB1*03:01 alleles are found in Aymaras and HLA class II haplotypes common to Andean Amerindians (DRB1*08:02-DQB1*04:02 and DRB1*04:03-DQB1*03:02), like Quechua, Aymara, Uros, Lamas and Mapuche are also found in Easter and other Pacific Islands. Giant human head stone statues at Tiwanaku (Titikaka Lake, Bolivia) are also found at Easter Island. Thus, it is possible a gene and cultural flow between Andean Amerindians and Easter and other Pacific Islands, as it was demonstrated by Thor Heyerdahl in his Kon-Tiki expedition which reached Pacific Islands sailing from El Callao Harbour (Lima, Peru).


在美洲印第安人玻利维亚La Paz Aymaras进行HLA研究。

自从公元1,532年西班牙征服以来,艾玛拉人就一直是一个相对单一的群体,即使以前代表一群由不同的文化界定的群体促成他们。他们是在蒂蒂卡卡湖(玻利维亚,秘鲁),阿根廷和智利附近的安第斯山脉高原上建立的,使用阿马拉语,并且在欧洲人达到比盖丘亚语(印加语)人低的社会地位后得到维持。然而,艾马拉人和盖丘亚人都承认蒂蒂卡卡湖是其起源的中心。两种语言也都相关。HLA-A * 02,-A * 24和-A * 68,HLA-B * 35,-B * 39和-B * 48,HLA-DRB1 * 08:02,-DRB1 * 09:01的特定高频,-DRB1 * 14:02和HLA-DQB1 * 04:02,-DQB1 * 03:02和-DQB1 * 03:01等位基因位于安第斯美洲印第安人常见的Aymaras和HLA II类单倍型中(DRB1 * 08:02-DQB1 * 04:02和DRB1 * 04:03-DQB1 * 03:02),例如Quechua,Aymara,Uros,Lamas和Mapuche也出现在复活节和其他太平洋岛屿。蒂瓦纳库(玻利维亚蒂卡卡卡湖)的巨型人头石像也在复活节岛上被发现。因此,托尔·海耶达尔在他的Kon-Tiki探险队中证明了安第斯美洲印第安人与复活节和其他太平洋岛屿之间的基因和文化交流,该探险从埃尔卡亚俄港(秘鲁秘鲁利马)驶向太平洋岛屿。