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Influence of age and planting density on the energy content of Eucalyptus benthamii , Eucalyptus dunnii and Eucalyptus grandis planted in Uruguay
New forests ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s11056-019-09749-2
Fernando Resquin , Rafael M. Navarro-Cerrillo , Leónidas Carrasco-Letelier , Cecilia Rachid-Casnati

According to some studies, the use of forest biomass for the generation of electric power and/or heat would result in a significant reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. This would happen even in the case of soils substitution that currently have an agricultural use although its implementation would require more studies on the environmental impact that they could have in each particular case. In this study, the potential of electric power production is evaluated with several species of Eucalyptus planted in short rotation forestry systems. Three species were evaluated: E. benthamii, E. dunnii and E. grandis in four spacings: 3 × 1.5 m, 3 × 1 m, 3 × 0.75 m, 3 × 0.5 m, in two sites in the northern and western areas of Uruguay during a period of 76 and 75 months, respectively. During this period, the following parameters were evaluated: higher heating value, wood density, energy density and energy yield per hectare and per year. The results obtained show that the heating value changes slightly with the planting density and age. The average of higher heating values were 19,787 versus 19,454 J g−1 and 19,867 versus 9909 J g−1for the planting densities of 2220 versus 6660 trees ha−1 at Paysandú and Tacuarembó, respectively, at 76 months. Higher heating value increased from 19,665 to 19,745 J g−1 at 18 months to 19,740 and 19,914 J g−1 at 76 months for Paysandú and Tacuarembó, respectively. The wood density, depending on the site, is affected by age, species and planting density. On average, wood density increased (only at Paysandú) from 0.405 g cm−3 at age 18 months to 0.497 g cm−3 at age 76 months. There is a negative relationship between the heating value and the wood density. The energy yield is basically explained by the production of biomass. At Tacuarembó, a stronger relationship between energy production and planting density is obtained (1012 vs. 636 MW ha−1 for 6660 and 2220 trees ha−1, respectively) compared to the Paysandú site (1093 vs. 912 MW ha−1 for 6660 and 2220 trees ha−1, respectively). Harvest times are different in each site depending on the IMA values obtained.



根据一些研究,将森林生物量用于发电和/或供热将大大减少温室气体的排放。即使在目前具有农业用途的土壤替代的情况下,也会发生这种情况,尽管实施土壤替代将需要对每种情况下可能产生的环境影响进行更多研究。在这项研究中,利用短轮伐林系统中种植的几种桉树来评估电力生产的潜力。三个品种进行了评价:E. benthamiiE.邓恩桉巨桉在乌拉圭北部和西部地区的两个地点,分别在76个月和75个月的三个时间间隔内分别为3×1.5 m,3×1 m,3×0.75 m,3×0.5 m。在此期间,对以下参数进行了评估:更高的热值,木材密度,能量密度和每公顷和每年的能源产量。获得的结果表明,发热量随种植密度和年龄的变化而略有变化。在76个月的时间里,Paysandú和Tacuarembó的种植密度分别为2220和6660公顷ha -1,平均较高的发热量分别为19787和19454 J g -1和19867与9909 J g -1。高热值在18个月时从19,665 J g -1增加到19,745 J g -1Paysandú和Tacuarembó在76个月时分别为-1。木材密度取决于地点,受年龄,物种和种植密度的影响。平均而言,木材密度从18个月龄时的0.405 g cm -3增加到76个月龄时的0.497 g cm -3(仅在Paysandú)。热值与木材密度之间存在负相关关系。能量产量基本上由生物质的产生来解释。在塔夸伦博,获得能源生产和种植密度之间的更牢固的关系(1012与636 MW公顷-1对6660种2220树木公顷-1,分别地)相比,桑杜位点(1093与912 MW公顷-1为6660和2220棵树公顷-1, 分别)。每个站点的收获时间都不同,具体取决于获得的IMA值。