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Are terrestrial isopods able to use stridulation and vibrational communication as forms of intra and interspecific signaling and defense strategies as insects do? A preliminary study in Armadillo officinalis
The Science of Nature ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s00114-019-1656-3
Sofia Cividini 1 , Spyros Sfenthourakis 2 , Giuseppe Montesanto 3

The capability of producing sounds and vibrations is well known in insects and is thought to be a form of intra- and interspecific communication. Sounds and vibrations are used and modulated for several aims such as interacting with conspecifics, getting information from the environment, and defending against predators. This phenomenon is less known but also present in other arthropods, including a few roller-type terrestrial isopods. In this study, we used a Y-shape test apparatus to investigate the behavior of adult individuals of Armadillo officinalis Duméril, 1816 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea) when exposed to two particular vibrational stimuli, namely species-specific stridulations and non-specific substrate-borne vibrations. Our results showed that adults of A. officinalis significantly react to the presence of both types of vibrational stimuli, by moving away from the vibrational source as if they experienced these vibrations as a sign of danger or disturbance. A. officinalis can produce stridulations only when it rolls into a ball during the so-called conglobation, a possible defense mechanism against predators. Stridulation might thus be a secondary form of defense used during conglobation to deter a predator following contact with it and might be experienced as an alert by conspecifics nearby. The high sensitivity to non-specific substrate-borne vibrations might provide A. officinalis with the possibility to anticipate dangers and adverse conditions, giving it a better chance of survival.



产生声音和振动的能力在昆虫中是众所周知的,并且被认为是种内和种间交流的一种形式。声音和振动被用于多种目的并进行调制,例如与特定对象进行交互,从环境中获取信息以及防御掠食者。这种现象鲜为人知,但也存在于其他节肢动物中,包括一些滚子型陆生等足动物。在这项研究中,我们使用Y形测试仪来研究1816年犰狳(Diamet)的成年个体在暴露于两种特定的振动刺激(即物种特异性id激和非特异性底物)时的行为。振动。我们的研究结果表明,成人的A. officinalis通过从振动源移开,就好像它们经历了这些振动,将其作为危险或干扰的信号,从而对两种类型的振动刺激都产生了显着的反应。A.巴戟可生产stridulations只有当它所谓的团聚,对天敌可能的防御机制中卷进了一个球。因此,狭窄可能是在团聚过程中用来阻止与之接触的掠食者的第二种防御方式,并可能被附近的物种吸引。对非特异性底物传播的振动的高敏感性可能为厚皮草提供了预见危险和不利条件的可能性,使其有更好的生存机会。