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Effects of road ditches on the vegetation composition in a saline environment
Landscape and Ecological Engineering ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s11355-019-00405-7
Sheng-Lan Zeng , Bin Zhao , Ting-Ting Zhang , Zu-Tao Ouyang

The construction of transportation corridors (such as roads) frequently disturbs and alters the natural disturbance regimes of ecosystems in many areas worldwide. In this study, by comparing the species richness, diversity, composition and soil among four ecotypes (non-road disturbance areas, road systems without ditches, road systems with large and small ditches), we tested the hypothesis that the presence of road ditches could facilitate the preservation of species and increase species richness in the Yellow River Delta, China. Both positive and negative effects of road ditches on the plant community were detected. The species richness in road systems (> 14) was significantly greater than that in the non-road disturbance areas (6). In the road systems without ditches, the refuges (relatively low soil salinity: 1.12 ± 0.15 mg/g) for non-halophytes were limited to road verges (0 m from a road verge). In the road systems that included a ditch, however, the refuge area expanded from road verges to 30 m from the verges. The width and structure affected ditch function. Both large ditches and small ditches effectively reduced the salinity of the soil, but the influence mechanisms differed, resulting in differences in the distribution of species diversity. The proportion of non-halophytes was significantly greater (37%) in the road systems with large ditches than in the road systems with small ditches (45.0%). In addition, the proper structure of large ditches with slopes increased the species diversity (the species richness was 26); in contrast, some structures of small ditches reduced the species diversity (the species richness was 14). The results of our study suggest that large ditches (width > 5 m) can be constructed 10 m from road verges to increase local species richness. Moreover, it is necessary to create buffer zones alongside roads (30 m from road verge), which can prevent the movement of invasive species into internal natural areas.