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Innovations in Technology and Science R&D for ITER
Journal of Fusion Energy ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10894-018-0187-9
David J. Campbell , , Tsuyoshi Akiyama , Robin Barnsley , Michele Bassan , Larry R. Baylor , Luciano Bertalot , Frédéric Escourbiac , Luciano M. Giancarli , Philippe Gitton , Julio Guirao , Martin Kocan , Vitaly Krasilnikov , Uron Kruezi , Michael Lehnen , So Maruyama , Yunxing Ma , Mario Merola , Neil Mitchell , C. Spencer Pitcher , A. René Raffray , Roger Reichle , Pavel Shigin , Antoine Sirinelli , Victor Udintsev , Jaap G. van der Laan , George Vayakis , Anders Wallander , Michael Walsh , Christopher Watts

ITER is a critical step in the development of fusion energy: its role is to confirm the feasibility of exploiting magnetic confinement fusion for the production of energy for peaceful purposes by providing an integrated demonstration of the physics and technology required for a fusion power plant. Rapid progress is being made in project construction, and the facility is now taking shape at St-Paul-lez-Durance in southern France. In the course of designing and manufacturing of the systems making up the ITER tokamak and the ITER facility, extensive ground-breaking R&D has been implemented by the ITER partners across a wide range of technology and science areas which underpin the achievement of the project’s engineering and fusion plasma performance requirements. Significant developments have been made in the production of high performance Nb3Sn superconducting strand and in magnet technologies supporting the construction of the largest superconducting magnets produced to date. High heat flux plasma facing components have been fabricated which are capable of sustaining quasi-stationary heat loads of up to 10 MW m−2 and transient loads of up to 20 MW m−2. Fusion nuclear technologies such as remote maintenance and tritium breeding have received specific emphasis within the ITER R&D program, since extensive deployment of these technologies is foreseen. Diagnostic systems face particular challenges in the ITER environment, and wide-ranging R&D activities have been implemented to develop novel solutions to ensure an adequate measurement capability in ITER DT operation. Routine and reliable operation in ITER will require a highly effective capability for the detection, avoidance and mitigation of disruptions, and significant science and technology R&D is underway to establish this capability. The overall integration of the control requirements for the ITER plasma and facility, in particular during burning plasma operation, has presented new challenges for fusion control systems, including the need for robust safety and hardware (investment) protection. These challenges are being addressed via the implementation of the most extensive and ambitious control system to date. The paper introduces the ITER project and its major goals in relation to the development of fusion energy and provides an overview of key innovations which have been made in these areas of fusion technology and science in support of ITER construction.


ITER 的技术和科学研发创新

ITER 是聚变能发展的关键一步:它的作用是通过提供聚变发电厂所需的物理和技术的综合演示,确认利用磁约束聚变为和平目的生产能源的可行性。项目建设进展迅速,该设施现已在法国南部的 St-Paul-lez-Durance 初具规模。在构成 ITER 托卡马克和 ITER 设施的系统的设计和制造过程中,ITER 合作伙伴在广泛的技术和科学领域实施了广泛的突破性研发,这些研发支持项目的工程和聚变等离子体性能要求。高性能 Nb3Sn 超导绞线的生产和支持构建迄今为止最大的超导磁体的磁体技术取得了重大进展。已制造出高热通量等离子面组件,能够承受高达 10 MW m-2 的准稳态热负荷和高达 20 MW m-2 的瞬态负荷。远程维护和氚育种等聚变核技术在 ITER 研发计划中得到了特别重视,因为这些技术的广泛部署是可以预见的。诊断系统在 ITER 环境中面临着特殊的挑战,并且已经实施了广泛的研发活动来开发新颖的解决方案,以确保在 ITER DT 操作中具有足够的测量能力。ITER 中的常规和可靠运行将需要高效的检测、避免和减轻中断的能力,并且正在进行重要的科学和技术研发以建立这种能力。ITER 等离子体和设施的控制要求的整体集成,特别是在燃烧等离子体操作期间,对聚变控制系统提出了新的挑战,包括需要强大的安全和硬件(投资)保护。这些挑战正在通过实施迄今为止最广泛和最雄心勃勃的控制系统来解决。