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对话Chemistry-A European Journal主编 | 期待更多来自中国的学术成果


Haymo Ross博士毕业于基尔大学(University of Kiel)。他于1997年加入Wiley-VCH,并在Wiley-VCH多个化学期刊中担任过编辑职位。目前,Haymo Ross是Chemistry – A European Journal主编以及Wiley-VCH欧洲化学出版协会(ChemPubSoc Europe)系列期刊的出版人。


2017年底您出任Chemistry – A European Journal的主编,期刊近期有哪些变化吗?您对Chemistry – A European Journal未来的期望是什么?

Haymo Ross博士:我目前负责的Chemistry – A European Journal是一本已经有良好管理的期刊,所以期刊的目标和范围不会有重大改变。Chemistry – A European Journal一本发表Communications、 Full Papers、 Concepts、Minireviews 和Reviews等多种类型文章并涵盖化学全领域的期刊。我们一直致力于减少文稿处理的时间,现在我们期刊从作者提交文章到网上接受文章所需的时间和Chem. Comm.一样短——如果只考虑通讯类文章的话,我们的速度更快。此外,Wiley北京办公室的李研博士在2018年初作为高级副主编加入了我们的编辑团队,提高了我们在中国的编辑影响力。中国是我们目前最重要的市场,未来,我们期望能从中国获得更多增长,我们也十分重视与中国学术界的交流合作。值得一提的是,2020年我们将庆祝Chemistry – A European Journal创刊25周年!

I took over a well-managed journal, so there was no need for major changes of the journal’s aims and scope. We publish a good mix of Communications, Full Papers, Concepts, Minireviews and Reviews and cover all areas of chemistry. We have been working hard to reduce our manuscript processing times and now our times from submission to Accepted Article Online are as good as those of Chem. Comm. – or even better when we consider communications only. I should mention, of course, that Yan Li who is based in Wiley’s Beijing office has joined the editorial team as Senior Associate Editor early in 2018 to improve our editorial presence in China. Given that China is our most important market these days this was an important step. For the future, we expect more growth from China and it is important to reach out to the community. By the way, next year we are going to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the journal.

2019年是“国际化学元素周期年”(IYPT2019),作为一本国际顶尖的化学期刊,您能介绍一些今年Chemistry – A European Journal举办的庆祝活动吗?

Haymo Ross博士:对于Chemistry – A European Journal的编辑来说,IYPT2019是一个很好的机会,可以去组织策划一些“课外活动”。例如,今年早期我们举办了一场面向作者、读者和研究人员的艺术比赛,作品不限形式,只要与元素周期表相关都可以提交给编辑部。后来,我们收到了来自世界各地40多部精彩的作品,今年7月,我们在巴黎举行的IUPAC大会上宣布了最终获奖者(奖品是ipad!)。我们还举办了“In my element”系列活动Chemistry – A European Journal发表了30多篇来自编辑委员会成员介绍他们最喜欢的元素的文章,这些文章现在仍然是可以免费阅读的(链接:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/toc/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-3765.InMyElement  )。

IYPT2019 was a nice occasion for some “extracurricular activities” of editors at Chemistry – A European Journal. For example, we were running an artwork competition that was open toauthors, readers and researchers of all ages. Any and all forms of artwork related to the periodic table could be submitted and we received over 40 great entries from all over the world. The prizes winners who received an iPad were announced at the IUPAC Congress in Paris in July. Then there is the “In my element series: We have published more than 30 personal articles from our Editorial Board Members about their favourite elements. These are still free to read for everyone. Our Spotify songlist containing songs with chemical elements in the title is also very popular.

Chemistry – A European Journal是一本代表欧洲化学出版协会出版的期刊。欧洲化学出版协会由16个欧洲国家化学学会组成。能请您简单介绍一下欧洲化学出版协会以及它所出版的期刊吗?

Haymo Ross博士:Chemistry – A European Journal是欧洲化学出版协会的旗舰期刊。这是第一本由几个欧洲化学学会联合发行的期刊。实际上,欧洲化学出版协会直到Eur. J. Org. Chem.、 Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.ChemBioChemChemPhysChem等姊妹刊发行之后,才最终确定了Chemistry – A European Journal的刊名。同时,我们代表欧洲化学出版协会出版了15种涵盖所有化学领域的期刊,明年还将推出更多。事实上,大多数期刊都是由我们的合作学协会和Wiley-VCH共同拥有的,而Chemistry – A European Journal和另外两本期刊甚至完全是协会的期刊。

Chemistry – A European Journal is the flagship journal of the ChemPubSoc Europe group of journals. It was the first journal that was launched jointly by several European chemical societies. At that time this group of societies did not have a name – that came later after the launch of the first sister journals of Chemistry – A European Journal, i.e. Eur. J. Org. Chem., Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., ChemBioChem andChemPhysChem. Meanwhile we publish 15 journals covering all fields of chemistry on behalf of the ChemPubSoc Europe societies and more will be launched next year. Actually, most of the journals are jointly owned by our partner societies and Wiley-VCH, Chemistry – A European Journal and two others are even fully owned by the societies.



Haymo Ross博士:15年前,我们还没有特别多来自中国的投稿。后来,来自中国的投稿数量大幅度增长。中国学者的研究也从一开始不引人注目到赶超其他国家作者的研究。总体来说,目前中国的研究成果比其他任何国家都要多,化学领域同样如此。中国科研在过去几年的发展也不仅体现在论文发表数量上——今天中国有许多活跃的课题组,实验室也更现代化,设备也更先进了。

目前,我们从中国收到的论文稿件比其他任何国家都多,Chemistry – A European Journal出版的四分之一的论文作者或至少一位合著者都来自中国。

关于研究论文写作,我给作者的建议是:使用精准的语言。这里我想引用奥地利哲学家Ludwig Wittgenstein的一句话:“what can be said at all can be said clearly”。尤其是论文标题和摘要部分,应该在保持简洁的同时提供足够的信息,因为它们通常是读者看到文章的第一部分。留下第一印象的机会毕竟只有一次,标题和摘要的处理对于读者是否决定进一步阅读文章至关重要。

Until about 15 years ago we did not receive many manuscripts from China. Since then the number of submissions has increased enormously. To be perfectly honest, in the beginning many of the papers were not very impressive. But it did not take long before Chinese authors caught up with authors from other countries. Generally, research output from China is now bigger than from any other country, and the same holds true for chemistry. The development over the past few years has been remarkable not only regarding quantity – today there are many high-profile research groups in China and the labs I have seen are often more modern and better equipped than before.

Currently we receive more papers from China than from any other country and one out of four papers we publish have a corresponding author or at least a co-author from China.

My advice to authors writing a research paper is to use precise language. I like to quote the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein who wrote “what can be said at all can be said clearly”. Titles and abstracts, in particular, should be kept simple and informative as they are usually the first parts of an article a reader will look at. After all, there is no second chance to make a first impression, so the wording of the title and abstract is vital for making the reader decide whether or not to look at the article further.


Haymo Ross博士:理想的科研评价体系应该考虑多个参数,但遗憾的是,目前对科研表现的评价几乎完全是基于文章引用次数。我对影响因子有自己坚定的看法,它是一种期刊度量标准,不适用于其它目的。当然,影响因子会告诉你一些关于期刊的平均水平——但它决不能体现期刊的所有情况,比如它不能体现关于单篇论文的信息。即使在高知名度的期刊上,你也会发现即使在多年之后都几乎没有被引用的文章。但让我们面对现实吧:影响因子和类似的基于文章引用次数的指标会普遍存在,并将继续被用于评估期刊以及发表文章在相应期刊上的研究人员,因此,我建议作者要更谨慎的引用文章,并记住它们代表的含义。我写了一篇关于此话题的社论,发表在Chemistry – A European Journal上(文章链接:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/chem.201903777  )。

An ideal scientific research evaluation system should take into account several parameters but, regrettably, currently evaluation of research performance is almost exclusively based on citation counts. That said, I have a firm opinion about the Impact Factor. It is nothing more than a journal metric and should, therefore, not be used for other purposes. The Impact Factor tells you something – certainly not everything – about a journal but as an average number, obviously, it cannot reveal any information about individual papers. In high-profile journals you may find publications that are hardly ever cited, or are not cited at all, even after a few years. But let’s face it: The Impact Factor, and similar citation-based metrics, are likely to prevail and will continue to be used for evaluating not only journals but also researchers who publish in them, so this here is my plea to authors: Please pay more attention to the citations, bearing in mind their implications. I have written an editorial on this topic that will be published in Chemistry – A European Journal soon.


带你走近Wiley顶尖化学期刊Chemistry—A European Journal

关于 Chemistry – A European Journal

Impact factor: 5.16
ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2018:37/172 (Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)
Chemistry—A European Journal is a truly international journal with top quality contributions (2018 ISI Impact Factor: 5.16). It publishes a wide range of outstanding Reviews, Minireviews, Concepts, Full Papers, and Communications from all areas of chemistry and related fields.
Based in Europe Chemistry—A European Journal provides an excellent platform for increasing the visibility of European chemistry as well as for featuring the best research from authors from around the world. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed, and electronic processing ensures accurate reproduction of text and data, plus short publication times.



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