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In Congo, fighting a virus and a groundswell of fake news
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-17 , DOI: 10.1126/science.363.6424.213
Laura Spinney 1

Occurring in a conflict zone amid controversial presidential elections, the current Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has proved to be fertile ground for conspiracy theories and political manipulation, which can hamper efforts to treat patients and fight the virus9s spread. Public health workers have mounted an unprecedented effort to counter false rumors. For the first time in an Ebola outbreak, the United Nations International Children9s Emergency Fund and other agencies have joined forces in a single response team, which answers to the DRC9s Ministry of Health and includes dozens of social scientists. They use the airwaves, social media, and meetings with community and religious leaders to fight misinformation.



在有争议的总统选举期间发生在冲突地区,目前刚果民主共和国 (DRC) 的埃博拉疫情已被证明是阴谋论和政治操纵的沃土,这可能会阻碍治疗患者和抗击病毒传播的努力。公共卫生工作者采取了前所未有的努力来打击虚假谣言。在埃博拉疫情爆发期间,联合国国际儿童应急基金和其他机构首次联手组成了一个响应小组,该小组响应刚果民主共和国的卫生部,包括数十名社会科学家。他们利用电波、社交媒体以及与社区和宗教领袖的会面来对抗错误信息。