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Nonreciprocal cavities and the time–bandwidth limit
Optica ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-17 , DOI: 10.1364/optica.6.000104
Sander A. Mann , Dimitrios L. Sounas , Andrea Alù

The time–bandwidth limit inherently relates the lifetime of a resonance and its spectral bandwidth, with direct implications for the maximum storage time of a pulse versus its frequency content. Recently, it has been argued that nonreciprocal cavities may overcome this constraint by breaking the strict equality of their incoupling and outcoupling coefficients. Here, we study the implications of nonreciprocity on resonant linear, time-invariant cavities and derive general relations, stemming from microscopic reversibility, that govern their dynamics. We show that nonreciprocal cavities do not provide specific advantages in terms of the time–bandwidth limit, but enable other attractive properties for nanophotonic systems.


