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Spatial modelling for predicting potential wildlife distributions and human impacts in the Dja Forest Reserve, Cameroon
Biological Conservation ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.12.015
Migue Angel Farfán , Alisa Aliaga-Samanez , Jesus Olivero , David Williams , Jef Dupain , Zokoe Guian , John E. Fa

Protected areas (PAs) are currently the cornerstones for biodiversity conservation in many regions of the world. Within Africa's moist forest areas, however, numerous PAs are under significant threats from anthropogenic activities. Adequate technical and human resources are required to manage the wildlife within PAs satisfactorily. SMART (Spatial Monitoring And Reporting Tool) software has been developed to aid in fluidly displaying, managing, and reporting on ranger patrol data. These data can be analysed using spatial modelling to inform decision-making. Here we use Favourability Function modelling to generate risk maps from the data gathered on threats (fire, poaching and deforestation) and the presence of Western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) in the Dja Forest Reserve (DFR), southern Cameroon. We show that the more favourable areas for the three study species are found within the core of the DFR, particularly for elephant. Favourable areas for fires and deforestation are mostly along the periphery of the reserve, but highly favourable areas for poaching are concentrated in the middle of the reserve, tracking the favourable areas for wildlife. Models such as the ones we use here can provide valuable insights to managers to highlight vulnerable areas within protected areas and guide actions on the ground.


用于预测喀麦隆 Dja 森林保护区潜在野生动物分布和人类影响的空间模型

保护区 (PA) 目前是世界许多地区生物多样性保护的基石。然而,在非洲潮湿的森林地区,许多保护区受到人为活动的严重威胁。需要足够的技术和人力资源来令人满意地管理保护区内的野生动物。SMART(空间监控和报告工具)软件已开发用于帮助流畅地显示、管理和报告护林员巡逻数据。可以使用空间建模分析这些数据,为决策提供信息。在这里,我们使用偏好函数建模从收集到的威胁(火灾、偷猎和森林砍伐)和西部大猩猩(大猩猩大猩猩)的存在数据中生成风险图,喀麦隆南部 Dja 森林保护区 (DFR) 的黑猩猩 (Pan troglodytes) 和非洲森林象 (Loxodonta cyclotis)。我们表明,在 DFR 的核心内发现了对三个研究物种更有利的区域,尤其是大象。火灾和森林砍伐的有利区域大多在保护区的外围,但盗猎的高度有利区域集中在保护区的中部,追踪野生动物的有利区域。我们在这里使用的模型可以为管理人员提供有价值的见解,以突出保护区内的脆弱区域并指导实地行动。火灾和森林砍伐的有利区域大多位于保护区的外围,但盗猎的高度有利区域集中在保护区的中部,追踪野生动物的有利区域。我们在这里使用的模型可以为管理人员提供有价值的见解,以突出保护区内的脆弱区域并指导实地行动。火灾和森林砍伐的有利区域大多位于保护区的外围,但盗猎的高度有利区域集中在保护区的中部,追踪野生动物的有利区域。我们在这里使用的模型可以为管理人员提供有价值的见解,以突出保护区内的脆弱区域并指导实地行动。